7 October 2023 – Eternal Matters Of Heart & Mind

BRD 2023 Daily Reflection | Saturday, 7th October 2023


Colossians 3 and Psalms 75 (NIV)

Eternal Matters Of Heart & Mind


Colossians 3 and Psalms 75 (NIV)

(Philip Oh, Chairperson of Pastor Parish Relationship Committee)


Whilst I read both the Colossians and Psalms readings, three verses in Colossians 3 caught my attention and caused me to reflect more deeply.  Here they are:

V1 & 2: “…set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things”.

V13: “Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.”

V19: “Husbands, love your wives and do not be harsh with them.”


Verses 1 & 2 reminds me to focus on “things above”.  Specifically, the “heart things” and the “mind things” and not earthly things!  By implication things eternal and not temporal, significant things, not trivial matters.

Verse 13 encourages us to bear with each other and forgive one another.  The second sentence says “Forgive as the Lord forgave you”.  This verse reminds me that it is easy to forgive people  who are easy to forgive and people I like.  

Verse 19 has two parts.  The first part is what we hear at most weddings and in many Sunday sermons – “love your wives ”.  The second part says, “do not be harsh with them”.  For me this is harder!


Verses 1&2

I am in the fortunate position of being retired, so I don’t have the pressure of earning a living. Therefore I have more time to ponder and focus on significant things and things of eternal consequence! 

Verse 13

What I learn from verse 13 is to apply the key word bear.  For me it is continuing to accept those who I don’t like or who I find irritating. It is forgiving those who wrong me again and again.  Whilst it is not easy, I am reminded in verse 13b that God first forgave me – so who am I not to forgive the other person?   Who am I to refuse to bear with the next person?  I also know I cannot do these on my own strength, but only through God’s help.

Verse 19

For me, the first part of loving my wife is “easy”, and even second nature, even as our 45th wedding anniversary approaches.

In relation to the 2nd part, I must acknowledge that I have, on occasions, been harsh to my dear wife whom I have been married to for so many years!  Whether it is an impatient or a curt response, or even a “no response” I can be and have been harsh.  Of course I have my long list of reasons (justifications), but that is not the point.  Verse 19 says: Husbands, love your wives and do not be harsh with them.

The exhortation ends with a “.”   A “full stop”!  

It is not qualified  with another phrase such as “….if you are not busy….”  or   “…if everything is going well” or “…if your wife is not harsh to you”!


I will try to focus on imparting Godly and eternal values to my children, grandchildren, and others who God allows me to cross paths with.

With God’s help, I will try to bear and forgive, especially those I dislike and find difficult to love.

With God’s help, I will strive to be gentler towards my wife in all situations remembering “for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, until we are parted by death”.


Dear Lord, thank you for forgiving me of my sins and drawing me back to yourself and your grace, again and again.  Help me to forgive others and bear with all the persons you allow me to cross paths with.  Help me to focus on matters of eternal consequence and use the remaining days you grant me for your glory.  In Jesus Name I pray, Amen! 

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