7 November 2023 – Seeing God In The Ordinary

BRD 2023 Daily Reflection | Tuesday, 7th November 2023


Amos 2 and Psalm 104:1-23 (NIV)

Seeing God In The Ordinary


Amos 2 and Psalm 104:1-23 (NIV)

(Chua Chi Siong, Companions in Christ Facilitator )


The following verses from Psalm 104 caught my eye:

v1: Praise the Lord, my soul. Lord my God, you are very great; you are clothed with splendour and majesty.
v2: …he stretches out the heavens like a tent and lays the beams of his upper chambers on their waters.
v14: He makes grass grow for the cattle, and plants for people to cultivate—
    bringing forth food from the earth:
v23: Then people go out to their work to their labour until evening.


The reading reminds me that my God is an amazing Creator God with unfathomable power and divine order. Further, He built into His wonderful Creation self-sustainability and a holy rhythm of days and seasons in the grand cycle of life where the needs of beast and men are met. It is under His blessings and grace that we labour and work.


Unlike many other Psalms, this section of Psalm 104 has no enemies to vanquish and no injustice to plead for His intervention. In fact, many of us take God for granted in the “ordinariness” of His Creation and His daily provision. Yet, the psalmist sees the almighty power and wisdom of God in His Creation and responds by praising Him (v1).

As God provides for the beasts in the fields and birds in the air, so I too should be quietly confident that He is my loving Father who also provides for my needs. Indeed, I will enjoy His blessings and give Him thanks. 

Lastly, I will see my work in the marketplace as a God-given mission and will labour to give Him glory (v23).


I shall follow the psalmist’s example in being conscious of the power, wisdom and grace of God in His Creation and in the ordinary. I will be glad and praise Him in them. 

Practically, I will:

  1. Meet God in my daily quiet time at the beginning of the day, and schedule regular mini pauses of 1-3 minutes to be still in Him throughout the day.
  2. Be more conscious of nature in my regular walks instead of just multi-tasking with my phone. Instead, I will enjoy the beauty of His Creation in every small detail.
  3. Thank God for His faithful provision of my needs. 
  4. Have a mindset that sees work as a marketplace ministry where I bring God’s love consciously into my interactions with others, and seek His wisdom and guidance in my work.


Dear Jesus,

Thank you for showing me that You are almighty Creator God, and You are worthy of all honour and adoration. You continue to care and provide for your Creation, and I can trust in Your provision, and not be anxious. Help me not to take You and Your goodness for granted. Instead, help me go about my day aware of Your Presence, and to go about my daily tasks as worship unto You, dependent on Your power and wisdom, enjoying and sharing Your blessings, and giving You all glory. In Your Name. Amen.

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