5 March 2024 – God Will Provide

LENT 2024 | DAY 18 | Tuesday, 5th March 2024


Mark 8:1-10 (NIV)

God Will Provide

LENT 2024 | DAY 18

Mark 8:1-10 (NIV)

(Alvin Chua, Chairperson, Christian Outreach & Social Concerns)

“God will provide!” These words are so often heard, spoken and contemplated in my mind. I wonder, do I really wholeheartedly believe these words, even in times with seemingly unfavourable or doubtful situations?

Years ago, as I was serving as an assistant small group leader, a staff member from the Small Group Ministry (SGM) invited me to their annual retreat, to which I gladly agreed.

At the retreat, as I was listening to a presentation by the ministry leaders, I was impressed by the great leadership qualities they displayed. A sense of admiration grew, and yet a feeling of inferiority also started to creep in.

A few days later, the SGM staff who invited me to the retreat and whom I very much respect, called to offer me a role as an assistant zone leader. Though I felt honoured, I decisively rejected the offer. I told him that I certainly do not possess the qualities to be a leader like the rest; I can’t even pray properly!

After that, both my small group leader and zone leader met me for a dinner fellowship. They encouraged and challenged me to take up the role, and even explored my weaknesses and strengths with me. At the end of the dinner, I still felt that my ‘few loaves of bread and small fishes’ are not enough for this leadership role!

Strangely, before we left, a stranger seated at the next table overheard our conversation. She boldly stood up to tell me a revelation from God. She said: “God will use you to do great things for His kingdom!” A prophecy from a stranger!? (I guess I took it with a  pinch of salt at that moment).

Despite my weak faith, these words have continued to resonate in every part of my life. I am grateful that I played a role in bringing many loved ones to faith in Christ: my daughters, both my parents and my sister in-law.

At the marketplace, while I perform reasonably well by God’s grace, more kingdom work has yet to be done. Serving in the Christian Outreach & Social Concerns (COSC) ministry, God has given me a vision to reach out to the increasing needs of society at Jalan Berseh. I pray for God to send more workers for the harvest is plentiful.

As I fearfully responded to God’s calling to serve in various roles, He provided everything I needed and enabled me to overcome many weaknesses, obstacles and fear. Indeed, when I offered my ‘few loaves of bread and small fishes’ in faith, God multiplied them and provided the rest!


1.  Can you recall an event where God provided a solution to your seemingly ‘impossible task’? Give thanks and remember it as an anchor in your faith.

2. Is there any task/problem that you think is too hard for you to handle on your own? Submit it to the Lord.

3. Will you offer your ‘few loaves of bread and small fishes’ to reach out to the least, the last and the lost in society and be a witness for God?

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