5 August 2022 – A Transformed Heart

BRD 2022 Daily Reflection | Friday, 5th August 2022


Jeremiah 4:3-31 and Psalm 5 (NIV)

A Transformed Heart


Jeremiah 4:3-31 and Psalm 5 (NIV)

(Ong Geok Wei Heather, Zone 8 Leader, Small Group Ministry)


Jeremiah 4:3-31 (NIV)


The prophet Jeremiah was given the task of proclaiming God’s judgement upon an unrepentant Judah. Even as he prophesied destruction, God also provided the way for the restoration of Judah.

The unplowed ground (v3) likens Judah’s heart to a farmland that has become hardened, overgrown with thorns and no longer able to bear fruit. The ground needs to be broken up again for cultivation, just as their hearts need to be prepared to receive mercy from God.

Jewish boys are circumcised to signify their being set apart for God. The men of Judah are now told to circumcise their hearts as well (v4). The cut should not just be an outward ritual for religion, but it should be an inward change of the heart towards surrender and dedication to God. If they repent and turn their hearts to God again, He will withhold the judgement against them. (v4, 14)

If they persist in their wicked ways, God will bring defeat upon them at the hands of an invading army. The conqueror, described as a lion and a destroyer of nations, will attack like a scorching wind and advance swiftly. (vv7-13)

Jeremiah is in anguish as he feels deeply for the people. In the rest of the chapter, he continues to warn them of the punishment they bring upon themselves — that Jerusalem will be ruined and even old allies will no longer help them.


I am drawn to the mention of “heart”, especially verses 3 and 4. While I remember to schedule regular medical screenings, I am reminded that I should also check the spiritual condition of my own heart, the seat of my emotions, thoughts and intents. At a recent discipleship retreat, I took time off life’s busyness, to quieten down and let God’s word penetrate the deepest corners of my heart. There, I was challenged to deal with my indifference, pride and hypocrisy, and to remove these thorns that choke my life.

In Romans 2:29, Apostle Paul tells believers that circumcision is of the heart. My sinful nature can change if I allow the Holy Spirit to work in me, and I should seek praise from God alone, not from people. It is painful to be disciplined by God for my ill behaviour, but I know that it is for my own good. I am comforted that He will never forsake nor abandon me even though I stumble again and again.


I want to be diligent in the Spiritual practice of Examen, where I reflect on the events of the day and examine my heart. Rather than rush through the prayer, I should pause to recognise God’s presence, humble my heart and repent as I ask for His forgiveness and healing.

I need to allow the Holy Spirit to transform my heart, so that inward changes translate to outward behaviour and acts of service that glorify the Lord.


Heavenly Father, thank you for your great love and grace in sending Jesus, who took upon Himself the full weight of judgement for my sins. May I cherish this sacrifice, and guard my heart and mind against evil. Please help me to cultivate a simplicity and purity of devotion to You, and lead a life transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

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