31 August 2023 – “Charity, Love & Thanksgiving”

BRD 2023 Daily Reflection | Thursday, 31st August 2023


1 Corinthians 16  and  Psalm 148 (NIV)

– “Charity, Love & Thanksgiving”


1 Corinthians 16  and  Psalm 148 (NIV)

(Alex Seow, SGM CLT and Zone 13 Leader)


1 Corinthians 16 (NIV)


Paul closes the letter by addressing a question regarding collections for the poor by the Corinthian Christians and shares his upcoming travel plans. He encourages them to be steadfast in the faith, resist false teaching and to do everything out of love (1 Cor 16:10-12).


The following 3 passages spoke to me:

1. “Now concerning the collection for the saints, as I have given orders to the churches of Galatia, so you must do also.” (v.2)

Verses 1-2 reminded me about being prudent and “storing up” as a faithful disciple, and more importantly, charity – giving and serving the poor and less fortunate. I have long been sensitive to these groups. I am very thankful my wife and I had the opportunity to “serve” two senior aunties as part of the Wesley Financial Assistance (WFA) programme under the COSC ministry. It strikes my heart each time we visit them to give out the NTUC vouchers or cash. Aunty “A” is past 80 years old with a couple of physical ailments and still provides for her grandson as her daughter is unable to. Aunty “B” is just as senior and lives in a messy apartment. She is hunched badly and moves around via two office chairs in her home for she cannot stand upright for more than even a minute. She is home-bound.  

I know we cannot solve the world’s problems, but yet my heartstrings are often tugged with questions. I ask myself, “What more can I do?,” “Am I doing enough?” So when we can and where appropriate as we seek the Lord, we give financially and in kind – but more often than not, we give our presence. The ministry of “being” speaks so much louder to them as they long to share their hearts with others.

In these monthly encounters, we have been blessed immeasurably more. We have learnt to count our blessings and to continually uphold these in prayer.

2. “Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong. Let all that you do be done with love.” (v.13-14)

Serving is always joyful. But I would be lying if I said that there were no challenges. Shepherding and nurturing small group leaders takes time, effort and energy. The verse above resonates and encourages me constantly when I face challenges and situations from out of the blue. The Lord reminds me not to be discouraged but to keep the faith and to allow Love to reign constantly in my heart in all that I do – no matter what.

3. “That you also submit to such, and to everyone who works and labours with us.” (v.16)

Finally, Paul’s instruction is to “submit” or be “in subjection” to those who help and labour for Him. In addition to working together or cooperating with “them” for the One common goal in Christ – to win souls for Christ.

Henry’s Complete Commentary says this: “This is not to be understood of subjection to proper superiors, but of a voluntary acknowledgement of their worth.” In other words – we are to acknowledge and appreciate their work and ministry.

I confess that I could do more to pray, support and appreciate our pastors, pastoral staff and church leaders in this area. They are doing so much for Wesley, sacrificing in so many ways we do not see. 

I have taken them for granted. Have I refreshed their spirit as Paul himself was a recipient of in v.18?


I will …

  1. Continue to seek opportunities and be more intentional in serving the poor and marginalised. 
  2. Check my heart and attitude as I serve and shepherd my “flock.” I will ask myself daily, “Am I serving with a loving and humble heart?”  
  3. Be more mindful, appreciative and encouraging of our pastors, church leaders and staff. I will send them notes of encouragement and thanksgiving. I will pray for them and their families regularly.


Dear Lord, may I never be content with just doing enough for those in need. Give me a sensitised heart for them, for they are many if only my eyes were opened bigger, and my arms cast wider. May I not lack Faith and strength but help me serve others in love as You have done. Finally, let me be mindful, appreciative and respectful of our pastors, staff and church leaders. May I be a support to them as you would want me to be. In Your name we pray, Amen.

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