30 July 2022 – God Can Use Anyone

BRD 2022 Daily Reflection | Saturday, 30th July 2022

God Can Use Anyone


Romans 16 (NIV)

(Yeo Su Chen, Chairperson, Communications Ministry)


Romans 16 (NIV)


The last chapter of Romans opens with salutations by Paul to his friends. 

I enjoy the tone of this passage as Paul wrote with much affection and respect for his fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.

He also opened the chapter with a commendation for Phoebe, a lady leader in the Church in Cenchrea. Paul encouraged his readers to remember to help Phoebe and to render her whatever help she might need (verse 2).

Paul named everyone specifically and also gave a brief description of many of them in his letter. He remembered their names, their actions, how they served, and their character traits. He even remembered to extend his greetings to the mother of Rufus (verse 13). 

Listing out many of the positive traits of his fellow servants of Christ, Paul underscored the importance of encouraging his friends and spurring them on in their discipleship journey and giving thanks for the labour of love by his friends. 

By doing all the above mentioned, Paul is also hitting home the message that God can use anyone – men or women – from anywhere to serve His Kingdom’s purpose. 

There is diversity in the pool of people who serve God and in leadership in this passage. Paul’s friends had different traits. There was a couple who was very hospitable and opened up their homes (verse 3); some who took risks for Paul (verse 4); some who were in prison with Paul (verse 7); and one particular believer, Persis, was singled out for being hardworking (verse 12).

In conclusion, Paul urged everyone to be obedient and wise in their serving and to keep away from people who were out to divide and destroy the Body of Christ and the members’ faith.


There is no standard for the people who can serve God. Anyone, including Jews and Gentiles in Paul’s time, can be gifted with different abilities, opportunities and resources to serve God and others.

I must not have preconceived notions of people who God chooses to be my ministry leaders or fellow servants.

The only people I have to avoid are those out to disrupt the faith body.


I must remember that God can use anyone.

I must stay away from those who are out to destroy the Church or dilute, dim, or cast doubt on the Teachings of God.

I must show appreciation and respect for my ministry leaders and fellow workers.

I have to encourage my ministry leaders and fellow workers as we serve the Lord together.


Lord Jesus, Help me to be appreciative and thankful for all my leaders and fellow workers in Church and ministries. May I remember that Your Kingdom’s work needs a variety of people. Grant me wisdom and discernment as I serve You humbly and obediently, so I will stay faithful and focused on You. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen. 

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