29 November 2023 – God Desires Our Obedience To His Commandments

BRD 2023 Daily Reflection | Wednesday, 29th November 2023

God Desires Our Obedience To His Commandments


Deuteronomy 12; 13 and Psalms 119:145-176 (NIV)

(Gerhardine Foo, PTM SGM)


Deuteronomy 12; 13 and Psalms 119:145-176 (NIV)


In these passages, we see a desire by God for His people to observe His statutes and to keep His commands.

We see how in Deuteronomy 12, Moses starts off with the exhortation that “These are the decrees and laws you must be careful to follow in the land that the Lord, the God of your ancestors, has given you to possess—as long as you live in the land.”

He then proceeds to give a list of commands in relation to God’s chosen place of worship and the various practices of worship especially in relation to the slaughtering and consumption of animals.

In chapter 13 he proceeds to give commands on how to protect Israel from those who tempt Israel to serve other Gods, as well as the severe penalties for those who do so (even if they are close family and friends) and for towns that have been given over to idolatry. 

This shows that God’s desire for Israel’s singular commitment to Him is expected not only as a nation but is to be pursued at an individual, family and community level. 

He then ends Deuteronomy 13 with “… Then the Lord will turn from his fierce anger, will show you mercy, and will have compassion on you. He will increase your numbers, as he promised on oath to your ancestors— because you obey the Lord your God by keeping all his commands that I am giving you today and doing what is right in his eyes.” (v17, 18) 

There is indeed a promise of reward and threat of punishment that seem to come based on the Israelites’ response to God’s commands. However, His intention is not to control His people but for them to continue living in their freedom and privilege as His people, which will be lost if they follow other gods. 

In Psalm 119:145, we see the psalmist lamenting in the midst of his persecution and suffering but at the same time also declaring and affirming his dedication to God and his love for God’s laws. From this, we know the psalmist’s love for God’s commands is not for reward, but that it comes from a posture of piety and obedience he’s adopted despite his ongoing struggles. 


From today’s passages, I see the emphasis on keeping God’s commands, following his statutes and obeying his precepts. There are some who see Christianity as a kill-joy, a religion of rules to follow. However, I know that His commands are there to set us free to live within healthy boundaries and to keep us safe and on the right path. As the psalmist has exemplified, we seek to live out His will because we love God and not because we want to earn His favour. God desires that we adopt a posture of whole-hearted obedience to His commands. 


I will get to know God’s word well so as to know His commands and what He desires of me.

I will spend time praying and listening to Him so as to be sensitive to His promptings. 


Father God, Lord Jesus, thank You for the commands that You have given me. I praise and thank You for giving me guidance from Your word to navigate this life on earth in a way that is pleasing to You. I ask for Your forgiveness for the times that I have strayed or have been wilfully disobedient. Grant me Your strength to be Your faithful follower. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

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