28 May 2022 – Share The Good News Boldly With The Right Heart And Spirit

BRD 2022 Daily Reflection | Saturday, 28th May 2022


Acts 8:1-25 and Psalm 92 (NIV)

Share The Good News Boldly With The Right Heart And Spirit


Acts 8:1-25 and Psalm 92 (NIV)

(Alvin Chia, Associate Lay Leader)


Acts 8:1-25 (NIV)


In the midst of intense persecution of the church and scattering of the disciples, the Word of the Lord is preached in many places. 

With the indwelling and power of the Holy Spirit, Philip performed signs and miracles. Many were healed. Many paid attention to what they heard and saw through the word and work from Philip. There was much joy as many came to know the Lord.

The people of Samaria followed Simon the sorcerer because he had amazed them for a long time with his sorcery. Simon was attracted by the great signs and miracles performed by Philip and followed him.

Peter rebuked Simon the sorcerer for his request to be given the ability to lay hands on people to receive the Holy Spirit. In verses 20-21, Peter answered: “May your money perish with you, because you thought you could buy the gift of God with money! You have no part or share in this ministry, because your heart is not right before God.”


As I read the passage, I am reminded of my earlier outreach trips to Thailand where we had the opportunity to witness the power of God in healing the sick and sharing the good news to people who did not know the Lord. 

Covid-19 had put a stop to all trips over the past 2 years. While online platforms have facilitated alternative connections, it is different from face-to-face encounters. We will need to continue to pray for opportunities and boldness to go and share the good news to many who have yet to know the Lord. If not, the likes of ‘Simon the Sorcerer’ will prevail. The work of the Lord cannot be stopped!

The outpouring of the Holy Spirit had given the apostles the boldness, courage and ability to preach the Word effectively. For effectiveness in ministry, I will need to abide in Him and set my heart right.


I will commit to go on an outreach trip this year. I will pray for fellow Wesleyans to also be challenged to go and share the good news with others, which can include those overseas as well as those living among us in the community. As part of Sacrificial Services, I will accord time to set my heart right and be prepared for the Holy Spirit to lead, guide and cleanse my heart. 


Father Lord, I thank You for the reminder of Your great love for all nations and peoples. Forgive me for being inward looking and being comfortable under the pandemic conditions. We pause to remember our missionaries in the field. May You grant them Your wisdom, peace and joy as they serve You faithfully each day. May Your favour rest on them and establish the labour of their hands. May they experience much joy as they deepen their relationships with You. I pray that we as a church will be sensitive to the needs of many around us. May the Holy Spirit convict our hearts and help us to be bold and courageous to share the good news at every opportunity. May we be effective signposts to draw more men to You. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

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