28 March 2022 – What Do I Still Lack?

BRD 2022 Daily Reflection | Monday, 28th March 2022


Matthew 19 (NIV)

What Do I Still Lack?

LENT 2022 | DAY 23

Matthew 19 (NIV)

(Adriel Gwee, Assistant Pastoral Care Zone 9 Leader, Small Group Ministry)


Matthew 19 (focusing on 19:16-30)


A rich young man had approached Jesus to find out what he could do to have eternal life. Instead of answering him directly, Jesus asked him probing questions to help the young man realise what he was lacking. The rich young man was more secure in his possessions than in giving them up to attain the eternal life he was seeking. Jesus then told his disciples that it is difficult for the rich to enter the kingdom of heaven and it is only by God’s grace this is possible.

Peter then followed up to ask how the disciples would be rewarded since they had left everything to follow Jesus. Jesus promised that those who follow him will rule with him in his kingdom. He also promised to bless those who sacrifice for him. And lastly, there is the promise of eternal life. 


This passage reminds me that eternal life is not something that I can earn by doing something. It is also not something that can be measured by what I have here on earth. Rather, eternal life is a gift from God that I get by surrendering to Him. Jesus guides me to this by gently probing me so that I recognise my sin and my idols and surrender to Him. By giving up earthly security, I gain security in Christ who promises more than I give up to follow Him. 


When God reveals the idols in my heart to me, I need to repent and surrender rather than turn away and cling on to the idols that I feel give me security. I should not surrender and expect rewards but do so because I truly love Jesus and find my security in Him, safe in the knowledge that He will look after me. 


Dear Lord, thank you for revealing yourself to me and enabling me to follow you. As you gently probe me in my walk with you, help me to continually surrender each day and continue to walk in step with you. Amen.  

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