28 July 2022 – Spirit Of Unity

BRD 2022 Daily Reflection | Thursday, 28th July 2022


Romans 15:1-13 and Psalm 147 (NIV)

Spirit Of Unity


Romans 15:1-13 and Psalm 147 (NIV)

(Josephine Loo, Chairperson, Property Management)


Romans 15:1-13 (NIV)

Reading Romans 15:1-13, verses 5 and 6 stood out starkly to me:

May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.


In Romans, we read Paul’s God-breathed-message that gives us clear indications of how we should live our lives, conduct ourselves in various circumstances, in deeds and in thoughts and to always put Christ at the centre of our lives.

At the beginning of the chapter, we are told to bear with the failings of the weaker and not to elevate ourselves in others’ weaknesses. In circumstances which require one to bear others’ insults, God gives endurance and encouragement. The verses stand out to me because Paul prays for a spirit of unity, even in those circumstances.


I ask myself why the prayer was for a “spirit of unity” and not a spirit of strength or grace. Wouldn’t bearing others’ failings and insults require a strong sense of righteousness, strength and grace in order to endure it. Why is the spirit of unity called for? Is it not about one person’s ability to stand up when something is wrong? It dawned on me that in order to step up and bear another’s failings, we need kindness, strength and grace to be at work in us. And in this world that we live in, we are existing not in silos, but as a community of individuals. Individuals who have their own minds, thoughts, behaviours. In overcoming any difficulty, God wants us to help each other, not for our own pride or ego, but for His sake so that He will be glorified. By following the example that Jesus Christ himself has shown, what God wants for us is to help one another and also experience the spirit of unity in the community.


In helping the weak or bearing their burdens, God wants us to also accept one another; and not to be boastful or proud. Be it giving up a seat in the MRT to an elderly person or a pregnant mother, or making a donation so that an orphan can have an education, it does not matter if the act is a small quick gesture or a long-term commitment, for God calls us to practise our faith and carry each other’s burdens. 

God also reassures and encourages His people that “the Root of Jesse will spring up, one who will arise to rule over the nations; The Gentiles will hope in him”. I pray that as I trust in Him to carry out his will, He will fulfill this hope and all will see and glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Heavenly Father, I thank you for your favour upon me and even though I am an example of perfect imperfections in many areas of my life, you have embraced me. Thank you for the enlightenment in the words of Romans 15. I pray that I can continue to be a channel of your love through my deeds to care for and support those who are weak amongst us. Keep me righteous, keep me pure in your sight and to always lean on your word, applying your standards of grace and love. May your Spirit be around me to guide me, test me. Send your angels to protect and help me and I pray that your Will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Amen.

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