28 April 2023 – Christ – Our Great High Priest

Input BRD 2022 Daily Reflection | Friday, 28th April 2023


Exodus 27-28 and Psalm 70 (NIV)

Christ – Our Great High Priest


Exodus 27-28 and Psalm 70 (NIV)

(Richard Thong, Precept@Wesley Chairperson)


Exodus 27: God gave further instructions on :

  • (v1-8)    Building the altar of burnt offering  
  • (v9-19)  Building the courtyard 
  • (v20-21) Preparing oil for the lampstand 

Exodus 28: Appointment of priests and details for making priestly garments 

  • (v 6-14) The ephod  
  • (v15-29) The breastplate 
  • (v31-43) Other priestly garments 

Psalm 70

  • v4 “…… And let those who love Your salvation say continually, “Let God be magnified.”


When I read Exodus 27, I noticed God gave very specific details to Moses for building the bronze altar and courtyard such as the measurements, the design and materials to be used for the tabernacle.  In Exodus 28, God also gave specific details for the ephod and breastplate (i.e the priestly garments) to be worn by the old covenant high priest.  

At my first reading, I wondered why God gave so many details for the tabernacle and the priestly garments.   As I read and reflected on the verses, it dawned on me that God wanted to dwell with His people. God being a holy, righteous and just God, cannot tolerate sin (Habakkuk 1:13),  and thus instituted a specific system to cleanse His people from their sin while still allowing them to dwell in His presence. This fellowship was made possible through the old covenant high priest who offered sacrifices on behalf of the people for the atonement of sin.   

Reading Exodus 27 & 28 has given me a foreshadow of what the Messiah,  that is Jesus, will fulfill in the future. It is by the new covenant, where Jesus was offered as the sacrificial lamb to atone for our sins by His death on the cross, that fully satisfies the Mosaic law once and for all (Hebrew 7:26-27). It is byGod’s grace that we have been saved through our faith in Jesus. Today, Jesus, our great high priest, is seated at the right hand of the Father and continues to intercede for us (Hebrews 7:25).


I am grateful for God’s love for me as He sent His only son to atone for my sins (1 John 4:9-10). Jesus, as my great high priest now seated at the right hand of the Father in heaven, continues to make intercession for me. It always gives me confidence to come before God, calling Him ‘Abba Father,’ having been justified through faith in Christ.  I can now approach God freely, as a child of God, in worship and prayer (Romans 8:15). Indeed, I thank the Lord for His steadfast love!


As God’s child, saved by grace through faith in Christ, I need to be intentional in my discipleship journey to live the way Christ wants me to live. I need to continually seek to walk closely with Christ daily and put God’s Word into action.  

 The Romans sermon series also reminded me that we are made right to walk right with Him. 

I should also be a good witness for Christ as I share this good news of salvation and love with those around me (Romans 1:16)


Father God, thank you for your love, that you gave your only begotten son Jesus to die on the cross for my sins. Through Christ, I am called righteous, not for anything I have done but because of the finished work already accomplished by Christ.

With gratefulness, I know my past has been forgiven, my present is now given meaning and I can look forward to the future with blessed assurance in Christ.  

I pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to help and guide me in my daily walk with Christ, to make me more Christ-like each day.  Give me the courage and boldness to share the good news of salvation with my relatives and friends so that they too can be called children of God.

In our Lord and saviour Jesus’ name, Amen.

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