25 October 2023 – God Is My Strength

BRD 2023 Daily Reflection | Wednesday, 25th October 2023


2 Timothy 2  and Psalm 91 (NIV)

God Is My Strength


2 Timothy 2  and Psalm 91 (NIV)

(James Tan, CIC Chairperson)


2 Timothy 2:1 You then, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.


When I first read this verse, it seemed like Paul was admonishing Timothy to be strong in grace, by “working” to have lots of it. It’s like telling someone who is trying to kick a bad habit to be disciplined in doing that. 

On deeper reflection, I realized that this is incorrect as it is not possible for me to have more grace through my own strength. Grace is God’s unmerited favor lavished upon me the moment I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior. Rather, I think Paul was telling Timothy to find strength in the grace he already received, not merely relying on his own strength or abilities.


I am juggling quite a few things now. Work, family, and ministry. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed.  Thoughts of giving up some work or ministry have indeed crossed my mind. But at the end of each day, when I do my quiet time, in the silence of my study, I can bring all my concerns of the day to God and rest in Him.  God reminds me that it is Christ who strengthens me and that His grace is sufficient for me. I can do everything through Him who gives me strength. I seek the Lord for His wisdom and His help. I just need to trust Him and listen to Him intently. I recollect God’s track record in my life and know He has never failed me. 


Knowing that Christ is in me, there’s nothing to fear or feel anxious about. I will rely on His grace as I go about facing the challenges in life.

I will seek God earnestly, trusting Him and doing His will. I will continue the practice of Examen and be faithful in my prayers.


Dear God,

Thank you for loving me and making me co-heir with Jesus Christ. Thank you for the opportunities in my work and ministry, that I can be used by You. Help me not be burdened by the things of this world and help me find rest in You. Amen.

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