25 May 2022 – Witnessing In Obedience

BRD 2022 Daily Reflection | Wednesday, 25th May 2022


Acts 5:17-42 and Psalm 89:30-52 (NIV)

Witnessing In Obedience


Acts 5:17-42 and Psalm 89:30-52 (NIV)

(Yulia Jomono, Chairperson, Field Development Team Sub-Committee, Missions Committee)


Acts 5:17-42 (NIV)


The apostles were arrested due to their rising popularity and increasing number of followers. The Sadducees were jealous of them and had them imprisoned. However, the main issues were in the teaching about new life in Jesus, rather than the miracles performed. The angels of the Lord released the apostles at night, while the prison guards were watching over them. It was God’s miraculous intervention. They were commanded to share the good news publicly in the temple courts. They obeyed God by arriving in the temple court early and sharing the good news with the public. They were arrested again, but not by force, as the guards were fearful of the crowd.

The apostles proclaimed, “We must obey God, rather than human beings” (verse 29) and “We are witnesses of these things (Christ), and so is the Holy Spirit, whom God has given to those who obey him” (verse 32). God intervened through Gamaliel, who defended them. He reasoned that the apostles would fail if their efforts were from man rather than God. The Sanhedrin were persuaded, but flogged the apostles before releasing them, and ordered them not to speak about Jesus. The apostles rejoiced for being counted worthy to suffer for the Gospel and continued to share the Gospel unceasingly.


  • God’s Commandment: Sharing the Gospel is God’s commandment. It is not an option or a choice. We should not keep our faith in Christ as a private religion, but we are to share it with others when the opportunity arises. We can create the opportunities, just like the apostles did when they shared at the temple court.
  • Obedience to God: God wants us to obey him fully. The apostles did not compromise by delaying the timing or changing the venue or the crowd.
  • God’s protection: God protected the apostles twice. First was through the angels who released them from jail, and second through Gamaliel (leader) who reasoned with the Sanhedrin. We are to trust that He would protect us at critical moments.
  • Fear God not Men: Sharing the Gospel may bring difficult challenges and situations. We may face oppositions from others who may not understand the message of the cross. But we can continue to look up to God as the primary source or our affirmation, joy and reward.
  • The Holy Spirit: We are witnesses of God. We do not testify out of our human ability, but through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit.


  • Discern the “crowd” and “place”: While there are many opportunities to share, there may be specific “crowds” and “places” that He would like me to focus on. I will discern these, so that I may be more effective.
  • Empowerment of the Holy Spirit: As God’s witness, I will look to God for the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. I will not rely on my human strength and wisdom.
  • Opportunities to Share the Gospel: I will pray to the Lord for opportunities to share the Gospel with those who have not heard it, whether in Singapore or overseas. May He direct my path to share His light in the darkest places.


Dear Lord, thank you for counting me worthy to be a witness of Christ. I pray that you will guide me to those who may need to hear the good news, including my family members, relatives, friends, colleagues and others in the mission fields. Grant me a willing spirit to obey you fully, no matter the cost. Reveal the motivation of my heart, so that I may share the Gospel out of my obedience to you rather than to please men. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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