25 April 2024 – Blessed Are Those You Choose

BRD 2024 Daily Reflection | Thursday, 25th April 2024


1 Samuel 31:1-13 and Psalm 65 (NIV)

Blessed Are Those You Choose


1 Samuel 31:1-13 and Psalm 65 (NIV)

(Lim Swee Kim, DISCIPLE Facilitator)


“Praise awaits you, our God, in Zion; to you our vows will be fulfilled.” – Psalm 65:1


1 Samuel 31 tells us about the battle between the Philistine and Israelites, and the deaths of Saul’s three sons Jonathan, Abinadab and Malki-Shua on Mount Gilboa. After learning about how dreadfully the Philistines had treated the bodies of Saul and his sons, the people of Jabesh-Gilead retrieved the bodies and gave them an honorable burial under a tamarisk tree.

It is truly heartwarming that the people of Jabesh-Gilead, which is located in northwest Jordan, did not forget how Saul had saved them from the death threats by Nahash, King of Ammon (1 Samuel 11). Nahash had conquered the tribal lands of Gad and Reuben, and a portion of the people fled from him to Jabesh-Gilead, which is why he laid siege to it. At that time, Saul was a herdsman and the Spirit of God came powerfully upon him. He responded by raising an army of men from Israel and Judah to defeat the Ammonites, and thereafter became King of Israel.

The tamarisk tree has a rich history and deep spiritual meaning, symbolizing eternal life. In Genesis 21:33, after Abraham planted a tamarisk tree in Beersheba, he called on the name of the Lord, “El Olam”, the Eternal God. In 1 Samuel 22:6, Saul was seated under the tamarisk tree when he heard that David and his men were discovered. And here in 1 Samuel 31:13, Saul was buried with his sons and the people of Jabesh-Gilead fasted seven days.


The people of Jabesh-Gilead did not forget what Saul had done for their people.  Saul was only a herdsman when he was told of their plight, he took action when the Spirit of God came upon him. He obeyed God although he was from the smallest tribe of Israel, and his clan was the least of all the clans in the tribe of Benjamin. Saul never felt too small to do what God had asked.


I need to listen for God’s Word to us as the Lord Jesus is always with us. I shall obey His Word which is sent to us through the Bible, and receive His Holy Spirit that He sends to guide me. Psalm 65 helps me  to praise my loving and merciful Father for all goodness comes from Him. 


Lord Jesus, I praise our Father for His grace and love for us despite our shortcomings and continued need to be better people.I  thank You Lord for God’s gentle guidance to us because our narrow points of view and poor memory often blindside us to the richness of His plans for us. I ask that You help us recall and remember God’s goodness to our lives always. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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