24 November 2022 – A Life Convicted By Christ

BRD 2022 Daily Reflection | Thursday, 24th November 2022


1 Thessalonians 1; 2 and Psalm 110 (NIV)

A Life Convicted By Christ


1 Thessalonians 1; 2 and Psalm 110 (NIV)

(Andrew Ng, Small Group Leader, Small Group Ministry)


1 Thessalonians 1 (NIV)


In 1 Thessalonians 1, Paul wrote to the church in Thessalonica from Corinth, having heard about the good work that the Christians had done, and gave thanks to God for their faith. He commended them on how they were convicted by the gospel preached to them (v4); how they turned away from their idols to serve the living God (v9); how they waited expectantly for Christ’s return (v10); and how they laboured in love while waiting (v3). 


This chapter sheds light on what a Christian life convicted by Christ should be like. Paul highlighted how the Thessalonians were chosen and loved by God (v4) and received the gospel and the Holy Spirit (v5). Likewise, I too am chosen and loved by God. For through Christ, I am part of God’s chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, and God’s special possession (1 Peter 2:9). His gospel has been made known to me (John 1:14) and he gave his Holy Spirit to be my seal and deposit until his return (Ephesians 1:13-14). 

Having received the gospel and the holy spirit, the Thessalonians believed and were convicted of Christ, and turned away from the idols they used to serve (v9). This was certainly not an easy decision, and they faced hostility and suffered persecution from their own countrymen as a result (1 Thessalonians 2:14-16). Most scholars agree that the church in Thessalonica was relatively young, having recently been planted by Paul prior to the writing of this epistle. Nevertheless, it was impressive and encouraging reading about how, despite their relatively new faith, they were willing to give up everything in pursuit of being followers of Christ. 

I am thankful that I live in a multi-religious society where I am free to practise my faith without the fear of persecution. Nevertheless, I question whether, despite this religious freedom, I too am convicted of Christ and whether I have turned from the idols of my life (i.e., anything that may distract me from following Christ wholeheartedly). I also question whether just like the Thessalonians, I hope expectantly for the return of Christ; whether this hope inspires endurance; whether from my faith in Christ that I am prompted to labour in love for his name’s sake. 


[1] To turn from idols and serve the living God and hope for his return.  

Idolatry can take many forms, and anything that distracts me from following Christ wholeheartedly is an idol. I pray that just like the Thessalonians, I too can turn away from anything that hinders me, to be convicted of Christ and to follow him wholeheartedly. I also pray that my hope in this life is in Christ and his eventual return, and not on any material gains or comforts. 

[2] To labour in love and faith for the Lord. 

The Thessalonians’ labour unto the Lord in sharing the gospel was well known throughout the region (v8) and they were a role model for Christians in Macedonia and Achaia to follow (v7). The great commission given by Christ in Matthew 28:19-20 to ‘go make disciples of all nations, to baptise them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and to teach them to obey everything he has commanded’ still holds true today and is all the more urgent as we approach the day of the Lord’s second coming. I pray for a sense of urgency and God-given purpose to labour unto the Lord and to give myself fully to the work of the Lord, and to know that my labour in him is never in vain (1 Corinthians 15:58). 


O Lord, I am loved by you, and chosen by you. I thank you for your word and Holy Spirit given to me. I pray that I will be convicted by you and that you will be at the centre of my life, and that my hope will not be in anything of this world, but rather in you and your eventual return. 

I pray that as I wait expectantly for your return, I may serve you wholeheartedly, that I may labour in love, and that my faith in you will produce work that bears fruit for your glory.  Amen. 

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