22 October 2022 – Be Christ’s Ambassadors To The Unreached

BRD 2022 Daily Reflection | Saturday, 22nd October 2022


2 Corinthians 5 and Psalm 82 (NIV)

Be Christ’s Ambassadors To The Unreached


2 Corinthians 5 and Psalm 82 (NIV)

(Tony Tng, Chairperson, Missions)


2 Corinthians 5 (NIV)


Continuing from Chapter 4, Paul painted the picture of life on the other side of eternity in the beginning 5 verses in Chapter 5. On that side of eternity is a picture of things eternal wherein God by His own hands will make for us a house in heaven and give us eternal bodies that will not die but be transformed into immortal bodies (1 Cor 15:53). Our natural bodies will be buried in weakness but God will raise them in strength, transforming them into spiritual bodies (1 Cor 15:43).

Paul has this confidence that God will give us a new body when we reach that side of eternity but Paul is not suggesting that we should all commit suicide so that we can be with God immediately. In fact, Paul struggled with wanting to be with Christ but he knew that he could do a lot more for God if he remained alive on earth (Philippians 1: 23-26). For this, Paul remained so committed to telling people the message of the Gospel that he made it his life work as Christ’s ambassador (2 Cor 5:20).

Paul assured us that it is true because the one who has fashioned us for this very purpose is God. And, God has already given us the first installment or deposit by giving us the Holy Spirit (2 Cor 5:5). Paul asked that we live by faith and not by sight (2 Cor 5:7) and be confident to want the new body. The only thing that Paul asked of us is not to keep this reconciling message to ourselves. God has given us this wonderful message appealing to us to become Christ’s ambassadors to go out to the world to implore on behalf of Christ: Be reconciled to God (2 Cor 5:19-20).


I think it is so wonderful to have a God who has already prepared everything we will ever need when we arrive in His Home. My temporal body, buried in weakness, will be raised and transformed into a glorious and imperishable body living in a house built not by human hands but by God.

There have been many times when, in the midst of trials, I struggled as Paul did with the desire to leave this world and be with Christ. But Paul is so right to say that our job on earth is not done yet. There are so many people out there who have yet to know Christ. Therefore, it is more important that I continue this temporal life so that I can share the reconciling message of the Gospel with those who have yet to know Christ. This reconciling message has been made known to us and God has entrusted us to implore the world to be reconciled to Him.

We are asked to be ambassadors for Christ. God is making this appeal. The Gospel has yet to reach 42.5% or 3.37 billion people in this world, comprising some 7,415 unreached people groups, mostly found in Asia (Joshua project). We are commanded to do our part to partner God in His Missio Dei (Matt 28:19-20). Are we willing to be the feet of those who bring good news (Romans 10:15) so that they can call upon the Lord and be saved (Romans 10:13)?


I want to be an ambassador of Christ to share the Gospel message with those who have yet to hear of Christ. I want to let people know that God has already fulfilled His promise by giving me His Holy Spirit. I want them to enjoy Kingdom life while still on this earth.


Heavenly Father, the One who has the power to make all things possible. You have graciously given me life on both sides of eternity. You have graciously given me confidence through the Holy Spirit. Now, give me the opportunity to share Your reconciling Gospel message with those who have not yet heard of Christ. May Your Word not return empty. Use me for Your purpose. In Christ’s name, I pray. Amen.

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