21 November 2022 – Freedom In True Faith

BRD 2022 Daily Reflection | Monday, 21st November 2022


Colossians 2 and Psalm 108 (NIV)

Freedom In True Faith


Colossians 2 and Psalm 108 (NIV)

(Celine Sia Su Lin, Assistant Zone 2 Leader, Small Group Ministry)


Colossians 2 and Psalm 108 (NLT)


Paul rejoices that the church in Colossae is living as they should and that their faith in Christ is strong. But he seems to also be worried (he says he has agonised over them from afar) that they would be deceived by wrong teachings. He reminds them that it is in Christ that there are true treasures of wisdom and knowledge. Upon such truths is how their faith will grow strong. He lists the fundamental facts of who Christ is and what happened when they came to accept Him as Saviour. He reminds that they are now free of pious self-denying rules which don’t help in overcoming evil desires even if these are adhered to with strict devotion.

In the Psalm, David expresses his praise and thanksgiving to God in beautiful and powerful words, many of which have been made into hymns and worship songs that are sung today. And yet, David had not yet been delivered from his enemies, as he also prays in the Psalm that God will rescue him and all the people of Israel, all the while trusting that with God’s help, they will overcome their foes.


I know well the tenets of the faith such as, Christ came in the fullness of God in a human body, that when I believed in Jesus, He cut away my sinful nature spiritually, and that I was buried with Christ and rose to a new life by the power of God. And yet the warnings of Paul are still relevant, that I do not allow rituals or traditions, in fact any “additions” to the practice of my faith, to become a stumbling block, whether to myself or others. I have been set free from toiling over any man-made rules. I can thus rejoice like David and lift up thanksgiving to God, even as I know that there will still be difficulties in this life. God has built an unshakable foundation for the victory that He has given us through Jesus, there is no need to add any “empty philosophies and high-sounding nonsense” to it.


In times of trouble, I will declare my confidence in God, and with the Holy Spirit’s help, sing praises with all my heart. I am able to do this as Jesus’ death and resurrection has given me the victory over all the spiritual powers of this world. Since I have been set free, I will not carry the unnecessary yoke of human teachings about things that are not central to the one true God. I look to Christ as the head of my body, and seek to be nourished only by Him.


Father God, I thank You for David’s example of rejoicing in the midst of troubles. I am grateful for the power over death through Jesus and I pray that I live out a victorious life, putting my faith in God and not on pious acts and bodily discipline that do not help me truly change. Lord God, I want my roots to grow strong in Jesus, and I pray that I will build my life on only Him. I pray for the help of the Holy Spirit and in Jesus’ precious name. Amen.

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