20 May 2022 – In The Ripeness Of His Time

BRD 2022 Daily Reflection | Friday, 20th May 2022


Acts 3 and Psalm 85 (NIV)

In The Ripeness Of His Time


Acts 3 and Psalm 85 (NIV)

(Jonathan Kong, Missionary Associate)


Acts 3:1-10 (NIV)


This account marks the first miracle performed by Peter after the stunning first Pentecost, with Peter transformed from a fearful denier to a bold witness of Christ. For many years, I saw the healing of the lame beggar as a miraculous act to validate Peter’s testimony from verses 11 to 26. However, this miracle account also tells more, showing God’s redemption plan for creation.

Looking closely at the account, the beggar is mentioned two times being at the temple gate called Beautiful, once at the start (v2) and once at the end (v10). This leads me to allude that the author of Acts may have written this account using a method known as chiasm, with the mention of two similar statements at the start and end of the passage highlighting the centre statement being the crux of the entire passage. Following this line of thought, I looked at the centre of the passage which was Peter’s beautiful proclamation – “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.” (v6).

The temple gate called Beautiful also bears a special significance, with the Greek adjective used to name the gate being hōraios. While the adjective has been translated as “beautiful”, some scholars suggest that a better interpretation of the adjective might be “happening at the right time” or “ripeness”.

Looking at both points together, I can see Peter coming across and healing the lame beggar as not just a chance encounter or even simply using the healing as a platform for his preaching, but as something which was planned by God and which happened at the right time for His glory. The account also echoes Ecclesiastes 3:11 where the writer reassures his readers that “[God] has made everything beautiful in its time” and that physical infirmities and pains in this world will one day be resolved in God’s perfect time.


One question that people asked me at times is “Why does God let bad things happen?” And when I read the news of another case of family violence or comfort someone who is facing loss and is hurting, I also echo the same question with pain in my heart – “Why God?”

Reflecting on this passage, I realised that I never know the reason why God allows physical infirmities, harm on innocent children or lives suddenly taken away to happen. But instead of being stuck in the disorientating confusion of the unknown, I find myself resting in the assurance that God grieves alongside us when we are in pain and that while suffering seems never ending, just like the beggar who was healed at the gate called “ripeness”, in God’s ripe time, He will bring restoration to all devastation. There will be a day which, as prophesised by Isaiah, swords will become ploughshares and men shall not know war anymore (Isaiah 2:4). There will be a day where God Himself will wipe away every tear from our eyes, with no more death, mourning, crying or pain ever happening (Revelations 21:4).

With this realisation in my heart that the outcome has already been determined by God, I realised that my role is just to be part of God’s work today that will eventually lead to that outcome.


Having experienced God’s deep comfort in my heart, I have been convicted through this passage to comfort others who are experiencing difficulties and hardships in their lives. I am able to speak with full confidence that their pain is not unending, that their suffering is not forever but that God can restore their hearts and bodies in His ripe time.  


Lord Jesus, thank You for Your love for me. Thank You for not leaving me alone but sending the Holy Spirit to remind me, guide me and empower me for my everyday life. I know that one day You will make everything beautiful and restore all creation. Teach me to be faithful and walk obediently every day till then. Open my eyes to people who are suffering and in pain. And rather than withdraw, may I draw close to them, just as You had compassion on those who were suffering in Your ministry on earth. Teach me to be patient to listen, empathise alongside them, have the heart to grieve with them but also the peace to assure them of Your goodness and Your love for them. May You make me an instrument of Your peace and assurance. In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.

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