2 April 2022 – Leadership In The Kingdom Of God

BRD 2022 Daily Reflection | Saturday, 2nd April 2022


Matthew 23 (NIV)

Leadership In The Kingdom Of God

LENT 2022 | DAY 28

Matthew 23 (NIV)

(Nijendra Mahendra, Chairperson, Prayer & Praise)


Mathew 23:2-3,11-12 (NIV)


Mathew 23 is a passage on Jesus sharing his rebuke of the Teachers of the Law and the Pharisees because of their hypocritical conduct and the great sorrows (woes) that are to come upon them. I was drawn to meditate on verse 2-3 and 11-12, and my observations are as follow:

  1. Jesus acknowledged the position of authority of the Teachers of the law and Pharisees.
  2. Jesus prequalified his ‘strong rebuking speech’ by asking his disciples to obey these people in authority.
  3. Jesus told his disciple not to emulate them in their conduct and speech while still obeying them. 
  4. Jesus gave his disciples a contrasting meaning of greatness from the perspective of the kingdom of God.


I find some of these observations still very difficult to swallow. To be able to just acknowledge hypocritical leaders in authority is difficult enough, but to go beyond that and obey this type of leaders, is really very difficult. This is especially so knowing that the core of their being and thinking process is purely out of selfish ambition and self-preservation. My heart is filled with sorrow when I think of the struggles of our brethren in many countries around the world that still have authoritarian leaders and governments.

But as I ponder over these observations prayerfully and remember my own Christian leadership journey over the last 17 years, some hard questions I ask myself are:

  1. Have I not obeyed the leaders in authority just because I feel they are not authentic in their conduct? 
  2. Have I judged other leaders in my midst because I felt they were hypocritical in their conduct and speech? 
  3. Have I focused on them more than I have focused on God and his call for me to be his servant?
  4. Have I at times been a leader desiring more attention and recognition rather than just focusing on serving humbly?

Sadly, the answers to all these questions above are a resounding yes. But I thank God for His grace and His transforming power in my life, that my soul is being set free more and more with every passing day, to only have the desire to just humbly serve Him.


  1. To remember that our God is sovereign over all appointed leaders, and they have been placed in their position of authority despite their conduct or motivation. 
  2. To pray more regularly for our brethren in countries that have authoritarian leaders and governments.
  3. To be accountable to others in my own journey of faith, so that I can continue to serve God humbly and not desiring any other rewards or recognition.
  4. To be there to pray and support other disciples that may still be struggling to ‘obey’ leaders who they feel are not authentic in their conduct.


Father, I acknowledge that you are sovereign over all governments and leaderships. I pray that you will continue to work out your sovereign purpose even when we cannot see the good in what is happening at times. I pray for our brethren in the countries of Myanmar, Afghanistan and Russia; may you strengthen, protect and provide for them. Impart upon them during this season of Lent, the resurrection power of Christ, that they may walk in your humble ways and be that light for your kingdom.

Help me Lord, to continue to walk humbly before you, being accountable to others for my talents, responsibilities, strengths, and weaknesses, having the confidence that your strength is made perfect in brokenness. Give me the insights and opportunities to pray, encourage and journey with others that struggle with leaders that are not authentic in conduct and speech. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for hearing my prayer. Amen!

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