19 March 2022 – Nothing Too Small Or Insignificant

BRD 2022 Daily Reflection | Saturday, 19th March 2022


Matthew 13 (NIV)

Nothing Too Small Or Insignificant

LENT 2022 | DAY 16

Matthew 13 (NIV)

(Christina Stanley, Zone 10 Core Team Member, Small Group Ministry)


Matthew 13, focusing on Matthew 13:31-33; 44-46 (NIV)


God enables the growth and advancement of the Kingdom of Heaven. God just asks that we do our part. Plant that mustard seed (vv 31-32). Add that yeast or leaven (v 33). 

Both the mustard seed and the yeast have something in common – they are tiny, unseen and unnoticed, yet each can give rise to exponential outcomes.

The mustard seed, just one mm in diameter can grow into a tree as tall as six metres, or big enough for birds to nest in it. Just 4 grams of yeast or leaven, added to 500 grams of flour with water can create a bread dough more than double in volume. 

The world, in contrast, functions differently. To achieve big, ambitious outcomes, we put our trust in things that we can see, plan and control – these include resources, skillsets, complex strategies and manpower.  But, even then, we may not always achieve the desired outcomes. 

The world came together at COP26, the UN climate conference last November. Although 197 countries agreed on the Glasgow Climate Pact, implementation plans lacked detail, 2030 targets were inadequate, and commitments fell short. 

Yet in God’s spiritual realm, His lofty and ambitious plan is established with something as innocuous and simple as a mustard seed, and a pinch of yeast. 

This and other parables in Matthew 13 affirm that nothing is impossible for our Lord. How the world responds and functions when planning big things, is in direct and startling contrast to how God achieves His plans and purposes through unlikely elements and circumstances. 


We are to believe and trust God in enabling growth, and to bring about exponential change in the spiritual realm of His Kingdom of Heaven.  

He just asks that we obey, be available and be willing.

What is the ‘mustard seed’ that we are to sow? It is the seed of faith in our lives – it is through nurturing and growing this seed of faith that mountain-moving potential can be developed. 

To be leaven – we have to live ‘changed and transformed lives’ – otherwise how can we be an agent of change?  It is only when others see us as true followers of Christ – obedient, faithful and humble – that they will be drawn to His Lordship, gift of salvation, light and love. 

In both instances, we need to be available and willing. We are to trust and obey. We are to be faithful and believe that there is nothing too small or insignificant that we do, which God cannot work with in order to enlarge and further the Kingdom of Heaven here on earth. 


We are often drawn to participate in bigger and higher profile opportunities to serve. We feel good to be part of a bigger community of volunteers, we crave opportunities to be in a larger ministry. But in doing so, we may overlook smaller or what we think are insignificant opportunities to make a difference, to be a blessing or to extend grace and mercy.

In preparing this reflection – I am reminded to practise examen – to check in with God through the day, so that the Holy Spirit may attune me to His presence, His purpose and His will. I believe that in doing so – I would be more sensitive and alert to His prompting, so that I would not miss opportunities to make a difference to others, no matter how small or insignificant I may view them.


Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding me that with You, nothing is impossible. You are Lord of all – over all the earth and heavens — and You are in control. Grant me the strength, obedience, desire, willingness and faith to serve You, and to seek and treasure Your Kingdom of Heaven here on earth. Thank You, Lord. Amen.

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