16 November 2023 – Holy Judgement And Holy Vengeance

BRD 2023 Daily Reflection | Thursday, 16th November 2023


Obadiah 1 and Psalm 109 (NIV)

Holy Judgement And Holy Vengeance


Obadiah 1 and Psalm 109 (NIV)

(Audree Tan, PTM Prayer & Pastoral Care Ministry)


Obadiah 1 and Psalm 109 (NIV)

Obadiah, one of the minor prophets in the Old Testament, wrote a book of 21 verses revealing the Sovereignty of God (v1-15), God the Just Judge (v2-15), and our Triumph in God when we trust His holy judgement and His holy vengeance (v15-21).

PSALM 109 is an imprecatory lament by David, appealing to God for protection against his enemy who had attacked him (v1-5). He seeks the merciful almighty, unchanging God to intervene and help those suffering (v26-29). David left vengeance against his hateful enemies to the Lord. 


The Book of Obadiah has a theme of God’s sovereignty, judgement and triumph that comes from a faithful Father who keeps His promises to His people. He will restore His Chosen people.

Despite Israel’s unfaithfulness and continual sinning, God will judge those who inflict harm on His Chosen nation as He will restore His people, who have been selected to be an everlasting blessing to the whole world.

“For you [Israel] are a people holy to the Lord your God. The Lord your God has chosen you out of all the peoples on the face of the earth to be his people, his treasured possession” (Deuteronomy 7:6). 

God’s sovereignty and authority resounds in this statement. Almighty God will judge those who go against His chosen.   


I was confused about how to respond to the Israel and Gaza war when Hamas attacked Israel on 7 Oct. Reading the newspaper and watching the news, I was ready to take sides and allowed my angry feelings to run wild, condemning and loudly sharing my thoughts and feelings with family and friends. As I was praying, the Holy Spirit nudged me instead to stop,  to start praying for everyone, and to imagine myself in the land of war, feeling the pain of those caught in the carnage, death and displacement.

I was told to pray like never before. Not to condone vengeance, raising of war arms or to take sides but instead to raise praying arms to God, interceding for those hurting, broken and suffering. There is no right or wrong to war.  War leads to destruction, brokenness and loss of life. I am to seek comfort for ALL who are facing the atrocities committed by evil to seek God’s restoration and hope, and for the depravity of humanity to end. I am to continue in His purposes, praying and supporting the weak, torn and broken. I am to focus on Christ, awaiting the restoration of all things to come one day soon.


In Ps 109: 30-31, King David kept extolling the Lord for the blessings to come. His focus was directed to things he knew would come true because of His faithful Father. Like David, I will greatly extol God together with worshippers and prayer warriors, praising Him because He stands at the right hand of the needy and will save the lives of those who suffer wrongful condemnation. I will thank God for His hand over everything as He is the Creator of heaven and earth. I will thank Him for His omnipotence, omnipresence, and omniscience, leaving all thoughts of vengeance to God Almighty. I will honor my Lord by praising and trusting Him. 


God Almighty, whose hand is upon all things created and made, forgive me for the prideful thoughts that occupy my mind when I am angry. For being quick to judge and intervene with my human strength. I choose to leave all situations of pain at Your feet and beseech Your quick intervention to bring peace to my heart. Let my heart extol You in gladness and thankfulness as Your holy judgment will come with holy vengeance. I pray the healing balm of Gilead to bring harmony and unity into all our lives. Amen.

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