16 June 2023 – Drive Out Your Idols

BRD 2023 Daily Reflection | Friday, 16th June 2023


Numbers 33, 34 and Psalm 115 (NIV)

– Drive Out Your Idols


Numbers 33, 34 and Psalm 115 (NIV)

(Celine Sia, Assistant Zone Leader)


Numbers 33, 34 and Psalm 115 (NIV)


Numbers 33 sets out, in quite a lot of geographical detail, the Israelites’ journey from Egypt to the Jordan River. In Numbers 33 and 34, God also gives Moses instructions for the Israelites  about what they are to do when they enter the land of Canaan. The instructions were both about how the land should be divided up among the clans, and  also about thoroughly cleansing the land of all idol worship before they take possession and settle in it.  

God’s detailed directions about dividing up the land, interspersed with instructions to clear the land of idol worship, highlights to me that the sanctification of the land and the people living in it is important to God. God is very clear about what the Israelites must do once they enter the Promised Land. The Israelites will finally claim the land after 40 years of wandering the desert, and each clan will get a designated area to settle down in. But God warns that this blessing will not last unless there is spiritual victory over the land and its people. 

It strikes me that God is trying to ensure that the Israelites have the determination to establish themselves in the land, both physically and also spiritually. Amid the blessings of “the land flowing with milk and honey”, God knows how seductive and destructive idols can become and He does not want these to be a constant pain in the lives of the Israelites, leading ultimately to their destruction. 

Psalm 115 contrasts what idols are with who the Lord is. The Psalmist also lists why only God is worthy of glory and praise. He reiterates that idols have no power just like those who trust in them instead of God.


I am blessed by God to already have received Jesus as my Saviour – I have the Promised Land in hand by God’s grace.  But I know I have to drive out all sin and all idols. Daily sanctification is what is critical to ensuring that my life remains pleasing to God over the long haul. The idols of success, acclaim and conspicuous consumption can all be covered up as “blessings”, hidden amongst the busyness of work and activities with friends and family. I want to drive out such idols, to keep the “land” of my mind, body and spirit, holy and obedient to the will of God. 


As I read my Bible and listen to God each day, I will not rush to finish reading so as to tick the box of “having done my devotions”.  Instead, I will look into the details of what God wants me to do in the process of continuous sanctification. I will look out for idols I need to drive out from my life, especially unnoticeable ones that may become like splinters in my eyes and thorns in my sides. I will be intentional about living a life founded on the fear of God, so I can have His wisdom to guide me. These include trusting in God, not always turning to man-made solutions first; spending only on what is needed, not my many wants; using gifts from God to bless others, not only myself; and not to seek man’s praise but God’s approval. 


Heavenly Father, thank You for this Word on how important it is to sanctify my life, keeping it free from idols. Holy Spirit, help me to have clean hands and a pure heart.  I want to have a right relationship with my Saviour and be able to stand in God’s holy place. Help me today to examine my life against the mirror of Your Word and resist the temptations of modern-day idol worship such as materialism and selfish ambition.  In Jesus name I pray.  Amen.

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