14 September 2023 – Final Warning

BRD 2023 Daily Reflection | Thursday, 14th September 2023


2 Corinthians 13 and Psalm 53 (NIV)

Final Warning


2 Corinthians 13 and Psalm 53 (NIV)

(Ray Yap, Core Team Member SGM)


2 Corinthians 13 and Psalm 53 (NIV)


In the NIV, the heading to Chapter 13 of Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians will likely get everyone’s attention: “Final Warnings”. Verses 2-4 serve as a prelude as to what Paul may do when he goes to Corinth next. Paul also took the chance to stamp his authority not only as church leader/founder but also as God’s apostle (v10).

Paul challenges the church to check and examine themselves to walk in the ways of God before ending the letter on an encouraging note.


Final Warning! These were the dreaded words that struck fear into my heart whenever my parents/elders/teachers said it. The consequences that came after the warning if I persisted in what I was doing to warrant the warning wasn’t something that was pleasant. It made me stop in my tracks with fear, cautioning me to think carefully before I proceeded in whatever mischief I was contemplating.

Now as a parent myself, I see the motivations behind the warnings. Behind the stern tone and threat of punishment is love. In this chapter, the warning from Paul conveys God’s love and his love for the church, the love that wishes to steer us on a path of righteousness. 

Psalm 1:6 summarizes this very well:

“For the Lord watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked leads to destruction”

Verse 5 reminded me of one of the spiritual disciplines and practices that are critical in our walk with God and that is the discipline of Examen. In a sense, it is like a spiritual medical checkup. Without a regular spiritual checkup, I may not realize that I have started to steer away from God. If I insist on that daily plate of delicious, oily, sinful (pun intended) fried carrot cake, then it comes as no surprise that my arteries will choke resulting in a fatal heart attack in the long run. That regular checkup/Examen gives us a chance to reflect on our daily life and to intervene as quickly as possible before sin takes over our life.


  • Practice Examen on a regular basis as a spiritual discipline
  • If there are aspects of my life that need correction, share it within my small group or accountability group so that my brothers-in-Christ can hold me accountable as well


Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for your grace and mercy even though I have not been an obedient disciple. Even if I am unfaithful, You are faithful. Your warnings are an act of love to help me walk in your light. May the Holy Spirit guide me in my examinations of my faith journey and help correct me when I go my own way so that I may live a life that is purposeful in your eyes. Thank you Lord for your faithfulness, Amen!

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