14 November 2022 – Power Up!

BRD 2022 Daily Reflection | Monday, 14th November 2022


Ephesians 6:10-24 and Psalm 104:1-23 (NIV)

Power Up!


Ephesians 6:10-24 and Psalm 104:1-23 (NIV)

(Jason Huang,  Zone Core Team Member,  Small Group Ministry)


Ephesians 6:10 (NIV)


In his letter to the Ephesians in some of the English Bible translations, Apostle Paul uses the word brethren to address the believers in Ephesus. By using the word, Paul associated himself with them not as someone with spiritual authority but as a fellow brother. They are like fellow soldiers and a band of brothers who watch one another’s back and encourage one another.

This is also key for me to grasp the importance of the faith community. Like soldiers watching out for one another in battlefield, we are also to do likewise and support one another in our journey.

Living as disciples of Christ is probably one of the hardest things we will ever attempt to do. We cannot fight alone. It is encouraging to know that we are always watching out for and strengthening one another because of the spiritual warfare we face (Ephesians 6:12).

Spiritual warfare is real. As we face struggles in our faith journey, spiritual strength and God’s power are needed to power up our armour of God, to guard against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realm.

In a sense, we cannot be good soldiers for Christ in battle, unless we are strong and powerful soldiers. Ephesians 6:10 is not just a battle cry to spur us on in the heat of battle, it is also a call to prepare ourselves and to gear up power for battles in our lives every day.


To be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power tells us that the power we get is not ours, but God’s, which empowers us to confront any spiritual battle that is to come into our lives.

There are many battles in my life today and as I reflect upon this passage, it reminds me that strength is not built overnight. Like muscles in our body, it takes time and effort to build it up. Likewise, to be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power, it too takes time, intention and effort to allow God to work through and within us, to power ourselves up for day to day battle.

So then, how do I become strong in the Lord and in His mighty power? One way to build spiritual strength is through exercises and training oneself through spiritual disciplines. As we begin to engage in the spiritual disciplines such as Scripture reading, praying, serving in a ministry, solitude, fasting etc., we will grow strong in the Lord and in His mighty power.


To survive in a battle, exercises and training must continue because being consistent is important in everything we do.  

As the Year 2022 is nearing to an end, one area of spiritual discipline that I would like to focus on in the coming Year 2023 is fasting. Not very often practised, fasting is one great way for me to exercise self-control, get right with God and gear up for victory in a fight, just like a soldier who exercises, trains and disciplines himself, to be ready for battle!


O Lord, help me to be strong in You and in Your mighty power today. Help me to rely on You and not on my own abilities. Thank You for providing me with the means to live a victorious life in Christ, through the Word of God, prayer and praise. Amen.

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