13 January 2024 – The Exodus Song (This Land Is Mine)

BRD 2024 Daily Reflection | Saturday, 13th January 2024


 Joshua 13:1-33 and Psalm 13 (NIV)

The Exodus Song (This Land Is Mine)


 Joshua 13:1-33 and Psalm 13 (NIV)

(Chuck Chan, SGM Zone Leader)


 Joshua 13:1-33 and Psalm 13 (NIV)


In Joshua 13, God gave instructions to Joshua in his old age about the land that remained to be possessed and to divide the lands west and east of the Jordan River among the twelve tribes of Israel. God further reiterated that the tribe of Levi will not be allotted with any land, as the food offered to God is their inheritance (v14).

In Psalm 13, David agonises over his trials and repeatedly seeks God for answers to his struggles. Yet the words of anguish are usually not the last words in David’s prayers; instead, he expresses his trust in God’s unfailing love and ends with rejoicing and singing the Lord’s praise (v5,6).


Amid the preparation and reflection on today’s scripture passages, my mind hovers over the conflict between Israel and Hamas happening in the Holy Land in recent weeks, the continuing violence, and human tragedy in the Gaza Strip. Does anyone remember the Exodus Song sung by Pat Boone in 1960?

There have been debates and discussions over the land claimed by both Israel and Palestine and the remote possibility of the proposed 2-state solution. I believe God hears the cries and laments from those affected by decades of struggle over the disputed land and their hope for peace between the peoples. Even as I do not have an answer on who the rightful owner to these lands should be, what I do hold on to is this, that God causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good and sends rain on the just and on the unjust (Matthew 5:45). The peoples in the Holy Land are all God’s creation.

If there is any lesson to be learnt over the rightful ownership of these lands, we look no further than to the Levites, who being the priestly tribe owns no land, because God is their inheritance (Joshua 13:33). Just as the tribe of Levi was assigned with the priestly function to serve God, we are also called to be the royal priesthood of God (1 Peter 2:5,9). 


I choose to hold on to the promise that my inheritance is in God as well (Colossians 1: 9-12 and 1 Peter 1:3-4), and to be confident that God in His faithfulness and grace, who has begun a good work in me, will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus (Philippians 1:6). All I need is to stay faithful to Him.


Lord, we pray for Your peace to reign in the Holy Land and in the people of Israel and the Palestinians. You love them all, for they are Your creation too. May Your will be done. 

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