11 April 2022 – The Lord’s Supper

BRD 2022 Daily Reflection | Monday, 11th April 2022


Matthew 26:14-35 (NIV)

The Lord’s Supper

LENT 2022 | DAY 35

Matthew 26:14-35 (NIV)

(Leow Kim Liat, Chairperson, Pastor-Parish Relations Committee)


Matthew 26:14-35 (NIV)


v14-16 – Judas agrees to betray Jesus
Judas Iscariot went to the chief priests and asked what were they willing to give him if he handed Jesus over to them. They agreed on 30 silver coins. After Judas had made the wicked bargain, he sought an opportunity to betray Jesus.

I asked myself what prompted Judas to betray Jesus. Was he disillusioned? Because sometimes one may have expectations of what he or she can gain from doing something or joining a cause, but eventually does not get what he or she expects and thus becomes disillusioned. Or was it greed? Because the love of money can lead one to betray another for money.

v17-30 – The Lord’s Supper
v17-25 – Jesus directed the disciples to go into the city and tell a certain man that the Teacher would like to use his house for the Passover supper. Jesus knew that only those who favour His cause and are willing to receive Him will do what He says. Jesus was not surprised that Judas would betray Him as He knew it was to accomplish God’s purpose.

v26-30 – “Take and eat, this is my body” (v26) and “drink….this is my blood of the new covenant poured out for the forgiveness of sins” (v28).

The pardon of sins is the foundation of all blessings. The significance of the Lord’s Supper relates to the Past, the Present and the Future.

The Past – The Lord’s Supper is in remembrance of Christ’s death for the redemption of our lives.

The Present – The Lord’s Supper is fellowship with Christ and a benefit of His sacrificial death as well as fellowship with other members of the body of Christ.

The Future – The Lord’s Supper is a foretaste of the future Kingdom of God and looking forward to Christ’s return.

v31-35 – Jesus predicts Peter’s denial
Peter was over-confident in himself and was sure he would not betray Jesus.


We must always be conscious not to fall into the trap of trying to count the cost or anticipating what we can get in return for doing anything. Instead, we should do everything out of a generous heart, so that we will never be disappointed or disillusioned.

We must always treat money as a servant and not let it be our master. And how do we forgive those who have betrayed our trust and cheated on us because of money? In my trade I have experienced betrayal and have been cheated and have had to pray for enabling to forgive. Trust God to show the way and be set free from unforgiveness.

Heart-searching examination and fervent prayers are good practices before the Lord’s Supper. For God to extend forgiveness of sins, Jesus’ blood was shed on the cross for us. So there must be confession and repentance of our sins in order to maintain our saving relationship with God.

I must remember that self-confidence is the first step to a fall. We are all prone to being over-confident and hence must be on our guard.


I must always remember that our God has top priority in my life and no one else or anything else can take His place. When tempted by money I must hold fast to God’s principles.

The Lord’s Supper must be treated with great reverence. So when partaking of the Holy Communion, I must always be reminded of Christ dying for me. I always ask myself who would die for me? One reason why I started to volunteer as an usher is really to be a servant of God. In the secular world we can be somebody, but in God’s Kingdom we are to serve with great humility to glorify God.

I must always thank God for sending His son to die for me and I will serve Him fully with obedience, faith and trust. I must try my utmost to be an intentional disciple.

I must never be so self-confident but always be humble and trust in the Lord’s promptings.


Gracious Heavenly Father, during this Holy Week, we want to be reminded of how Christ had died for us because of your great love for us. When we read of Judas’ betrayal, we are saddened. But Lord, we are also tempted daily and so we come before your throne of grace to pray for your protection, guidance and wisdom daily. Heavenly Father, for your sacrifice of your son for all our sins, we can never thank you enough but may we be prompted daily to lead a life that is pleasing in your sight and may we be drawn closer to you each day. Lord in your mercy, please hear our prayers for we pray in Jesus’ precious name. Amen.

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