1 November 2022 – To Seek, To Serve & To Share

BRD 2022 Daily Reflection | Tuesday, 1st November 2022


Galatians 1 and Psalm 91 (NIV)

To Seek, To Serve & To Share


Galatians 1 and Psalm 91 (NIV)

(Koh Choon Chye, Outreach Leader, Mandarin Ministry)


Galatians 1 and Psalm 91 (NIV)


1.   False Gospel – Paul was astonished by how quickly the Gospel of Christ had been altered from its original course to confuse the Galatians.

2.   Servant of Christ – Paul ‘s action was not trying to win any approval of human beings but to be the servant of Christ.

3.   Revelation from Jesus Christ – Paul emphasised that the Gospel he preached is not of any human origin nor was he taught but by the revelation from Jesus Christ.

4.   Preach among Gentiles – Paul revealed how zealous he was in Judaism and how he persecuted the church of God and tried to destroy it. By the grace of God, Jesus Christ was revealed to him, and Paul was called to preach the Gospel among Gentiles.

5.   Refuge – The word ‘refuge’ appeared 3 times in Psalm 91. Such an assurance from God who loves us so much and we can always seek him. He never fails to love, protect, and answer us when we trust and acknowledge his name. 


1.   Be mindful of what teachings of the Gospel we can or may hear or see from various media. Information is now at our fingertips via our mobile phone. Pray for discernment when we are unsure of any true or false teachings.

2.   We must know we are serving not any human beings but Jesus Christ our Lord. Whatever we do must be pleasing to God and not to human beings.

3.   Paul who formerly persecuted the church of God is now preaching the faith he once tried to destroy. God is so magnanimous and only God can turn Saul around and use him to the fullest. We (gentiles) are so privileged to be given the opportunity to accept the Gospel of Christ. We should share such a wonderful privilege with people who have yet to know and experience it.

4.    Seek refuge and surrender wholeheartedly to God. God is so good, so merciful, so loving as to treat us with such high priority. 


1.   I have been struggling to juggle between my F&B business and serving God. It is such a shame that most of the time I chose my work rather than serving a God who loves us so much. I will start to learn how I can seek HIM the right way and wholeheartedly. I want to be able to surrender, trust and wait for HIM.

2.   Accept the challenges ahead of me to serve God in Mandarin Ministry and other team and representing MM in the Outreach Taskforce.

3.   Share the Gospel to more people. Pray to God for guidance and courage to share the Gospel.

4.    Revive my small group and participate in outreach events and activities. 


Oh Lord, thank you for being there for me even though I do not deserve it. I pray, Lord, for your strength each time I feel weary to serve after my long hours of work. I pray for courage to allow me to speak and reach out to my customers to share the Gospel of Christ. I pray for wisdom to allow me to carry out my duties while serving you in the ministries. I want to be like Paul, not Saul, and be able to do all things pleasing to you, my God. Thank you for letting me know when I encounter problems and difficulties when serving you. You are my refuge and my fortress. In Jesus’ most precious name I pray, Amen. 

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