Arise & Go (Traditional)

May 12, 2024 | Traditional Worship Service

Ms Neo Lay Tin
Arise & Go (Traditional)

May 12, 2024 | Traditional Worship Service

Ms Neo Lay Tin
Scripture Passage: Joshua 24:15 (NIV)

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Summary l As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. This familiar verse is a pledge to follow and serve God as a family. But when life gets very busy and there are many distractions, we risk crowding God out of our life and taking our eyes off Him. May we recapture the Joshua spirit, when serving the Lord. God had commissioned Joshua and led him to take the promised land. God can use us as well, to fulfil His purposes.

Courageous faith

Although God had assured Joshua of victory, it was a mammoth task that was beyond what was humanly possible. God repeatedly encouraged Joshua to be strong and courageous. (Joshua 1:6-7,9)

Despite the dangers and uncertainties, Joshua believed in God’s battle plan. He led by trusting in God’s plan, which did not rely on worldly methods. Who would have imagined that marching around Jericho and blowing trumpets would cause the walls to crumble? Their trust was in the Lord and not in human ingenuity. They knew that God was leading. Joshua’s faith spoke of his confidence and trust in God.

What about us? Do fears and insecurities stop us from serving and doing God’s work? We can learn to be strong, courageous and faithful when God calls us to a task, for God will keep His promises when we do His work.

Arise and go

It is not enough to have strong faith. God also wanted Joshua to be ready for action. Joshua did not hesitate but sprang into action when God called. Will we arise and go or will we ask God to call someone else? We must not plan without God, for God seems to have a delightful way of upsetting the plans we have made when we have not taken Him into account. When we hesitate, we miss out on what God has in store for us. We can appropriate His promises only when we do what He commands. Faith without works is dead. (James 2:14-17) When Joshua’s generation obeyed God, they saw miracles. God wants us to be part of His work. When we obey, the glory of God is revealed.

Dependence on God

Instead of focusing on the difficulties, the Israelites kept their hearts and minds on the Lord. The ark of the covenant went before them. Today, we have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and the presence of God with us. That is enough for anyone seeking to do God’s work.

Those who remember serve the Lord

Those who remember the goodness of God, serve the Lord. Joshua challenged the Israelites to follow and serve God, and they renewed the covenant with God. (v16-18) Joshua also publicly proclaimed that he and his household will serve the Lord. (v15) We are responsible for telling our children how great God is and how real He is working  in our lives. Remembering God’s goodness strengthens our commitment to serve and to discard the small idols that distract us.  God has created us for the purpose of loving and serving Him. We are God’s handiwork created to do good works. (Ephesians 2:10)

We should show our appreciation for God’s sacrificial love. Every Christian should be ready to look at the cross of Jesus and say, “After what He did for me, there isn’t anything I would not do for Him”. (Tony Campolo)

Jesus came to serve and not to be served. We too can serve by extending acts of love to those around us. We are called into partnership with God to accomplish God’s will. When we serve others, we are actually serving God. Let us respond to Joshua’s challenge to serve God and to commit our household to serving Him.

(Sermon notes by Denis Koh)


  1. What are some obstacles (our Jordan River or Walls of Jericho) that stop us from serving and doing God’s work?
  2. How important is it for you to put your faith in action if you believe that faith without works is dead. What are some immediate actions that you can take to act out your faith?
  3. The Joshua generation obeyed and saw miracles. Recall how you have seen the glory of God revealed when you stepped out in obedience.
  4. Having experienced the goodness and grace of God, what is your response? In what areas can you serve Him or make a divine impact?
Wesley Communications Team
Posted by Wesley Communications Team

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