18 February 2022 – How To Grow In Faith?

BRD 2022 Daily Reflection | Friday, 18th February 2022


Zechariah 12 and Psalm 48 (NIV)

How To Grow In Faith?

(Loke Ai Mei, Pastoral Team Member, Christian Outreach and Social Concerns)


Psalm 48: Our Great God (NIV)


The people of God celebrate the Mighty King who has triumphed and delivered Jerusalem from her enemies. Jerusalem is described as a beautiful city where the Great King dwells. As His eternal presence is there, the city is holy, protected, a stronghold and secure. In the city, God is worshipped. It is a place devoted to his honour and throughout the day, joy fills the whole earth. The psalmist acknowledges that the city belongs to the everlasting presence of God, reflecting and giving praise for his righteousness, faithfulness to his covenant and his loving kindness.

The faith of the people in God is strengthened and they marvel as they witness God defeating their enemies for them and establishing the city that will endure for generations.


The people of God worshipped within the temple but they also walked around the city, marvelling at the works of God. Worship of God can include all our senses: we see his great works and with our mouths, hands and feet, we praise him in song and in word. While there is a place for personal worship, this psalm paints a beautiful picture of God’s community coming together, experiencing the power of collective praise and worship.

We are God’s redeemed people through the work of Christ on the cross, his holy temple and his royal priesthood. The church is the place where God dwells and as his people, we hear and see his loving kindness at work in our lives and those around us. The things we have heard and seen in the past and the present should strengthen our faith in God. All these should lead me to a place of humility, deeper love, gratitude for God and obedience to bring the love of Christ to other generations, and to the ends of the earth.


How do I grow in my faith?

In my personal worship, I can look for opportunities to use my senses to worship and experience the presence of God. As I read and listen to his word, I can take walks, smell and touch, and capture the wonder of his creation in nature, in things around us.

There is a place for the people of God to come together for worship as a community and to experience him at work in his church and through his church. I should not neglect corporate worship.

I will count my blessings, see and hear with gratitude how God is working in my life.

As God’s redeemed people, I can do my part to participate in all that God is doing in the world by bringing the message of his redemption to the ends of the earth, beginning with my family and friends.


Great are you, oh God, and I stand amazed at how you love me and pour forth your grace in my life. As I count the blessings in my life, I give thanks and praise you for working in my life as you provide for my needs and watch over me. Help me to be disciplined in my personal and community worship and to not neglect you or find excuses. Lead me to people who need to hear of your love and mercies and open the doors for your servant to share of your goodness and faithfulness. Thank you. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

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