1 February 2022 – Consider How You Have Fared

BRD 2022 Daily Reflection | Tuesday, 1st February 2022


Haggai 1 and Psalm 31 (NIV)

Consider How You Have Fared

(Rev Michael Tan, Pastor)


Haggai 1 and Psalm 31 (NIV)


Psalm 31

In his dire need for deliverance from many deadly enemies, the psalmist seeks his only help (vv.1-10) – the Lord – for even his neighbours and acquaintances have shunned him (v.11). Though the psalmist has suffered long and hard (vv.9-10), yet he is confident of the Lord’s protection because He is a faithful, holy, loving God who is gracious to His people who are in distress (vv.3-8). This trustworthy God will destroy the wicked as they deserve while shielding His people from all kinds of harm (vv.14-20). As the psalmist has in the past been saved by the Lord even in a very despairing and seemingly hopeless situation (vv.21-22), little wonder then that he concludes by exhorting God’s saints/holy ones – people who are set apart by God for Himself – to love the Lord and be strong and courageous to wait for His just acts of preserving the faithful and punishing the proud (vv.23-24).

Haggai 1

vv.1-6 – A divine message is delivered by the prophet to 2 key leaders of Judah (vv.1 and 3). It concerns 2 interrelated issues: The negligence of God’s people in rebuilding the Lord’s house/temple in ruins while themselves living in luxurious houses; and the futility of their hard work for physical and material satisfactions (vv.2, 4 & 6). Noteworthy is that this message is not so much a severe rebuke but a firm wake-up call for God’s people to “consider how you have fared” (v.5).

vv.7-11 – A reiteration for God’s people to “consider how you have fared” (v.7) is followed by the call for them to begin the temple rebuilding work so that the Lord of hosts may be pleased and honoured (v.8). For their earlier failure to do so has resulted in the failure of their crops and all efforts of work for gains (v.9), when the Lord of hosts who is sovereign over all elements and forces of nature withheld dew (v.10) and brought about a widespread drought (v.11).

vv.12-15 – The 2 key leaders and all the people responded in fear of the Lord and obedience to His word (v.12). The Lord then gave His assurance to be with them – not after the completion of the temple rebuilding but even before its commencement (v.13). As such, God’s people collectively in one spirit worked to rebuild God’s house (v.14), twenty-three days after the call to do so was first given (v.15).


Haggai 1

  1. While the initial recipients of God’s message were leaders of God’s people, such an important message must be obeyed by the entire community of faith.
  2. Often our life failures and frustrations are not necessarily punishments from God, but alarms or wake-up calls for us to repent and take concrete actions for change.
  3. Rather than merely leaving us to strive with our own finite strength and resources to fulfil that which is pleasing and honourable to Him, our gracious God has pledged to be with us – His people – and work in us that we may be able to accomplish His purposes and plans.


As one of the many millions worldwide celebrating this 1st Day of the Lunar New Year, it is most timely for me to “Consider How I Have Fared” in:

  1. Hearing and receiving God’s message with discernment before sharing and seeking confirmation and clarification with others at various levels of accountability.
  2. Recognising areas of weakness, needs for correction, change and improvement in response to God’s mercy and grace.
  3. Yielding to, trusting in, responding to and fearing with gratitude and awe God’s holy presence in my life.

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