9 May 2023 – Thank You Jesus For Your Sacrifice On The Cross!

Input BRD 2023 Daily Reflection | Tuesday, 9th May 2023


Leviticus 3,4 and Psalm 80 (NIV)

Thank You Jesus For Your Sacrifice On The Cross!


Leviticus 3,4 and Psalm 80 (NIV)

(Alvin Chia, Associate Lay Leader)


Leviticus 3,4 (NIV)


These 2 chapters in Leviticus provided details of the ritual of sacrifice for fellowship, and sin offering. They covered the types and genders of animals to be sacrificed, the manner of slaughter, how the blood was to be splashed/sprinkled, and how the internal organs/intestines/fats were to be handled.

Atonement for sins was carried out by priests in accordance with strict rituals and procedures.


The rituals of the fellowship and sin offerings reminded me of complex Chinese ancestral customs/rituals I witnessed growing up. As I looked back, I recalled people busying themselves with elaborate practices. But I never understood the significance of these.

As I reflect, I can appreciate the reverence and importance of the offerings presented to God for atonement of our sins. Atonement of sins is a serious matter as the animals take the place of the sins we committed. Hence, the animals must be unblemished or without defect.

We just observed Good Friday and are reminded of the greatest sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ at the Cross to atone for our sins. He was without sin (unblemished). Through His act of sacrifice and love at the Cross, we are restored to God. What amazing love! Through His kindness and mercy, we are now freed to come to Him without the need for regular animal sacrifices. His blood and grace are sufficient for us!

The key takeaways for me are:

1.   God loves us so much that He sacrificed His only Son to atone for our sins, to restore our relationship with Him.

2.   The Lord Jesus Christ provides us with direct access to God. There is no need for animal sacrifice or priests as the intermediaries. The Lamb of God is the ultimate sacrifice to provide the bridge between us and God.


I will not take what the Lord Jesus did on the Cross for granted. I will remember His victory at the Cross and continue to trust and obey Him. And to share the message of John 3:16 with all.

I will work on my obedience to God in all aspects of my life. This will be my offering to God.

“But Samuel replied: “Does the LORD delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the LORD? To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams.”


Father Lord, I thank You for the wondrous Cross! Thank You for Your amazing love in taking my place at the Cross to atone for my sins. May I continue to fix my eyes on You and be obedient in all that I do. Grant me Your help and mercy in my weakness. May I glorify You in my life and all. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 

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