9 March 2022 –  Jesus, Our Firm Foundation

BRD 2022 Daily Reflection | Wednesday, 9th March 2022


Matthew 7 (NIV)

 Jesus, Our Firm Foundation

LENT 2022 | DAY 7

Matthew 7 (NIV)

(Ong Geok Wei Heather, Zone 8 Leader, Small Group Ministry)


Matthew 7 (NIV)

“Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the wind blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.” (Matthew 7:24-25, NIV)


In the Sermon on The Mount (Matthew chapters 5-7), Jesus teaches us how to live as His followers and serve in God’s kingdom.

Matthew 7 teaches us about judging others, being judged (v1-3), and hypocrisy (v3-5). Jesus also assures us that He will answer if we sincerely ask, seek and knock upon His door (v7-11).

Many will enter the wide and broad way to destruction, but we are called to choose the small gate and the narrow road that leads to life (v13-14). We are told to watch out for false prophets. While not obvious at first, these people will eventually be revealed by their lifestyle and the bad fruit that they bear (v15-20). Only those who do the will of the Heavenly Father will enter the kingdom of heaven, whereas those who merely have the name of Jesus on their lips will be turned away (v21-23).

Therefore, we are to put into practice all these teachings of Jesus, and be like a wise man who built his house on a firm foundation of rock instead of sand. We will then be able to withstand the storms of life (v24-27).


After the flurry of Christmas and Lunar New Year activities, I will make a deliberate effort to slow down during the season of Lent. I am reminded to examine my heart, review my life and renew my commitment to Jesus.

Verse 14 cautions me that the way to eternal life is only marked by a small gate, and the road is narrow and difficult. Few find it and even fewer stay on it, as the temptations of this world entice many away. If I am not careful or discerning, I can easily fall prey to the claims of false prophets, and become disobedient or indifferent to Jesus.

I am also warned about the danger of self-deception, where my participation in church activities can just function on ‘auto-pilot’ mode. I need to ensure that my heart is attuned to the Holy Spirit; tenderly nurture true fellowship and pursue a personal relationship with Jesus. It gives me great joy to know the Lord, and to be loved by Him. I actively seek out opportunities to practise my faith, and build upon Jesus, my firm foundation.


  1. I need to take an honest look at my life, and see where I am spiritually.
  2. I want to be a good disciple of Jesus, and prioritise obedience to His teachings.
  3. Wherever I am placed, I will continue to serve humbly.


Heavenly Father, thank you for sending your son, Jesus, to us. May I take His teachings to heart, and lead a life transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit. In gratitude, Father, I want to love you more, shine brightly for you, and serve diligently. Please let me be a blessing to others wherever I go. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

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