7 September 2024 – But I Will Hope In Him

BRD 2024 Daily Reflection | Saturday, 7th September 2024


Job 13, 14 and Psalm 119:113-120 (NIV)

But I Will Hope In Him


Job 13, 14 and Psalm 119:113-120 (NIV)

(Song Tao, Chairperson, Youth Ministry)


Job 13:15-16 (ESV)


Job 13 is an insight into the inner world of a man who felt that he had nothing left. Job’s indignation was palpable. He did not feel he deserved his circumstance. He did not feel his closest friends understood.


I cannot say I have experienced anything close to Job’s experience. Yet, I understand the feeling of indignation – the raging anger at the unfairness present in my life, and my own utter helplessness to do anything about it.

What struck me most about Job in the midst of his soul-aching and deep pain, is his surrendered posture before God. Job trusts not in his own righteousness, but in God’s just character. Job does not understand why his life has been turned upside down. Yet, he does not let his heart harden against God and remains emotionally honest as he prays. Job wrestles with God.


In times of indignation,
I will not pretend to be able to deceive God, and speak falsely for God. I will remain emotionally honest before God.
I will not trust myself and my ability for good. I will trust God for what He says.
Still, I will wrestle.
Still, I will pray for God’s help to place my hope solely in Him.


O, Lord! Have mercy on me, a sinner!
Reveal to me my rebellion, that I may repent.
I do not understand, help me to obey and trust You.
Surely, Lord, Your righteousness endures forever!
Resolve my hope in You alone. I surrender.

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