7 March 2022 – Blessedness

BRD 2022 Daily Reflection | Monday, 7th March 2022


Matthew 5 (NIV)


LENT 2022 | DAY 5

Matthew 5 (NIV)

(Joyce Lo, Zone 4A Leader, Small Group Ministry)


Matthew 5:3-12  (NIV)


The first part of the Sermon on the Mount is known as the Beatitudes, which comes from the Latin beatitudo, meaning “blessedness”. The Beatitudes can be understood as attitudes that we as Christians ought to have or how “divinely happy and fortunate we are, if we possess these inward qualities”. The Beatitudes should not be seen as distinct individual traits, allowing us to major in one to the exclusion of others. Instead, it is rightfully our responsibility to have all these character traits to display the true discipleship of Jesus in our daily lives.

The Sermon on the Mount reveals to us who we are through the grace of God. It also brings to light our sinful nature and how far we have fallen from His holiness.


IIt is one thing to read these teachings but it is quite another to ‘be’ what is taught. I have to make a conscious effort with perseverance and boldness. It is easy to fall away especially when the world measures us with different and sometimes contradicting standards to the teachings of Christ. More often than not, while living out the attitude of Christ’s teachings, I would feel short-changed or lost out but yet I know it is worth it. I just have to stand by my faith and face the worldly consequences, while trusting in His righteousness and mercy. In understanding the Beatitudes, some may feel that they are just about blessings. If that is so, then why are some of us still in a mess? Blessings are about what Jesus can do for those who are in a mess. He does for me what I cannot do for myself.


The Beatitudes exhort me, as a child of God, to act in His likeness. By living out the Word, it means that I will have to behave and think about who God wants me to be and how God wants me to react in any circumstance that I am in.

In Matthew 5:13-16, I am also taught to be the salt and light of the world, reflecting God’s righteousness to the people around me. By doing so, and by His grace, my actions will shine in this dark world.


Dear God, thank you for your teachings on what true discipleship is. Help me to understand your Word. Grant me your grace and strength to be a living epistle to others so that when others see me, they see Jesus. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

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