6 December 2022 – Obey God’s Commandments From The Heart

BRD 2022 Daily Reflection | Tuesday, 6th December 2022


Revelation 4 and Psalm 119:161-176 (NIV)

Obey God’s Commandments From The Heart


Revelation 4 and Psalm 119:161-176 (NIV)

(Yeo Su Chen, Chairperson, Communications)


Psalm 119:161-176; Revelation 4 (NIV)

I was led to do my Lectio Divina on Psalm 119:166-168 for this devotion.


The first fast reading of these three verses made them seem simple enough to understand. But the second reading motivated me to think deeper about why David expressed it that way. Did he mean that he obeyed God’s commandments in exchange for God’s protection and rewards? Would that mean he was focused on external good works to gain God’s approval?

Subsequent readings of the verses gave me a different perspective. David wants to obey God’s teachings and laws because he loves God and wants to follow God wholeheartedly, from his inner being, not just on the outside. He obeys the laws and commandments given by God because he trusts in them; he loves them. He wants to follow them because he loves God and the laws. They become part of his inner thoughts, being and expressions. They are not mere outward deeds, actions or gestures.


It is undeniably very tough for me to follow God’s laws and commandments as a mortal who came to this fallen world, very sinful and broken. It is even tougher to follow Christ if I treat obeying commandments in a legalistic way, following them cerebrally and cognitively out of fear of God’s wrath and its consequences, and not being able to internalise the commandments in my heart spiritually and emotionally. 

If I cannot follow them in my heart sincerely, lovingly and convincingly, I will not be able to be genuine in my words and actions and am effectively just a hypocritical Christian who follows God’s commandments out of fear and need and not faith and both need and a sincere desire.

As a true disciple of Christ, I strive to follow God’s commandments sincerely because I know and trust and am thankful that whatever God wants for me, it is because He loves me and knows the commandments will be good for me ultimately and bring me closer to Him. 

God’s precepts, commandments, and teachings, like the cost of discipleship, demonstrate God’s love – sometimes tough love – for a wilful wretched person like me.

Therefore, I want to – not just I have to – obey His commandments and laws because I trust in and love them (verse 167). I obey His commandments, as in I study them diligently, and keep them to the best of my ability and with my whole being (verse 168) because I know that He is sovereign, and He is my creator who knows me inside out and knows my real intentions and heart.


I have to:

Follow God’s commandments with an eternity perspective – they are for my good and peace and will draw me closer to Him.

Study His precepts and teachings diligently – so I will know what it entails to follow Him. I need to know the steps to take in my life, at every stage, to obey Him.

Keep His commandments internally and outwardly – not just because I need to demonstrate or “show” the world what a Christian should be but because I believe in my deepest being, where no one can see, except God, that they are good for me.


Most gracious God, help me to have a heart of humility, wisdom and obedience. From there, help me to love. Please give me the wisdom to see what is good and right according to Your teachings. I know and believe You are a good Father who wants the best for me. Open my eyes and heart to see things Your way and see that You are good in every turn and twist in my life. Give me the perseverance and faith to follow You from my heart. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen. 

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