5 October 2024 – God Is Righteous And Calls Us To Repentance

BRD 2024 Daily Reflection | Saturday, 5th October 2024


Ezekiel 8,9 and Psalm 140 (NIV)

God Is Righteous And Calls Us To Repentance


Ezekiel 8,9 and Psalm 140 (NIV)

(Saw Seang Mei, SGM Zone Leader)


Ezekiel 8,9 and Psalm 140


God appeared to Ezekiel in a vision as a figure of a man, waist down like fire, “bright as a glowing metal” and God lifted Ezekiel up to the inner court in Jerusalem. God spoke and intentionally showed Ezekiel the “utterly detestable things the Israelites are doing here” (Ezekiel 8:6a) at the entrances and inner court of the house of the Lord. 

In Ezekiel 9, God appointed six men with writing kits to “put a mark on the foreheads of those who grieve and lament over all the detestable things that are done in it” (v4b). He asked others to kill all except those with the mark. Ezekiel fell to the ground and pleaded with God and the Lord replied that their sin was “exceedingly great” (v9). God would not allow the Israelites to continue with bloodshed and injustice but intervened to change course. Psalm 140:12 states, “I know the Lord secures justice for the poor and upholds the cause of the needy.” In Psalm 140, God rescues us, delivers us and keeps us safe. “Surely the righteous will praise your name, and the upright will live in your presence.” (v13). 


God reveals His magnificent glory and at the same time exposes our sins.  God is most aware of and does not tolerate wicked deeds or idolatry as sin has consequences. The phrase “detestable things” is repeated many times in Ezekiel 8. God is righteous and I will ask Him to reveal to me if I have been swayed by the secular world and not done what is right in His sight. These passages remind me to let go of sinful practices, desires or attitudes, and confess my sins to God as He is loving and will forgive me. 


As I worship a Holy God, I am reminded to search within for words, attitudes or deeds that God views as detestable every day. I must continually examine my heart as I read God’s Word withdeep reflection. I pray that I will soften my heart and allow God to fill me with grief and lament over my sins. I ask God for His strength and grace to turn to Him only and forsake any wrongful ways. As I read more of God’s Word and grow closer to Him, God constantly asks me to seek joy in His ways. Besides confession during my personal time, I will seek opportunities at our church services to examine myself and repent. 


Dear Lord,

Reveal to me clearly my sins every day and give me a humble heart to acknowledge my wrong choice of words or deeds, and to repent. Lord, You are serious about sin and it is not a trivial matter. I ask that You give me the strength and grace to live by Your Word and in Your will. Cleanse my heart Lord and lead me to deep repentance and a renewed life. 

In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen. 

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