4 March 2025 – The Bible, My Mirror

BRD 2025 Daily Reflection | Tuesday, 4th March 2025


Zephaniah 3:1-20 and Psalm 63:1-11 (NIV)

The Bible, My Mirror


Zephaniah 3:1-20 and Psalm 63:1-11 (NIV) 

(Sonny Chuah from Discipleship and Nurture)


Zephaniah 3:1-20 (NIV)


This short book recounts Zephaniah’s warning to Judah about the coming judgement of the Lord, asking them to repent as a nation and promising that God will restore a humble remnant when he returns.

God had been warning his people to return to worship him by punishing their neighbours as signs of his jealousy when they rebelled against him. Yet they continued in their evil ways. God reminded them that he was still there with them (v2,5). His warnings cut across to all: the leaders(v3), prophets and priests (v4). Yet, the warnings went unheeded and people still woke up the next morning to do evil.

The passage reflects the fact that judgement day will come when all who rebel, the proud and the haughty, will be removed from God’s holy mountain. Only a few will remain faithful. They are the ones who trust in the Lord (v12).


We today are no different from people in those days. We say history repeats itself, and so it does.

We know we have a jealous God who is also merciful and who continues to plead for us to turn back to Him.
We claim His protection when we face our enemies and are in need of His help, but at other times we forget His call to follow His ways.

Why are we such scoundrels who know what God demands of us and yet, for short-term gain, rebel against Him to satisfy what we know will not last?

I’m led to remember that even King David was not spared. He succumbed to his desire for Bathsheba and went on to plan the demise of her husband, Uriah! I thank God for reminding me through His Word, which is like a mirror as I am just as vulnerable and disobedient as David and the people in the time of Zephaniah.


With God’s help, I want to be like David who repented and  thirsted daily for the Lord (Psalm 63,) who longed for His presence, prayed and praised Him, and clung to Him, knowing that His strong right hand held him securely.


Father God, thank You that it is only through the blood of Christ’s sacrifice that I am accepted in Your sight. Be merciful and gracious to me as I journey towards my heavenly hope to dwell in Your house forever. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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