4 February 2025 – An Unexpected Role

BRD 2025 Daily Reflection | Tuesday, 4th February 2025


Acts 23: 12-35 and Psalm 35: 1-28 (NIV)

An Unexpected Role


Acts 23: 12-35 and Psalm 35: 1-28 (NIV) 

(Heather Ong from Small Group Ministry)


For this devotion, I have focused on Acts 23: 12-24, about the unexpected role played by Paul’s nephew.


Yesterday’s Bible passage ended with the promise of verse 11. Jesus assures Paul, and tells him to testify in Rome.

In today’s reading, we see God’s continued protection and provision for Paul. 

A group of Jews had taken an oath to kill Paul. They planned to get him summoned before the Sanhedrin under false pretext, then ambush and kill him along the way (v12-15). Paul’s nephew overheard their plot, and he told his uncle about it. Paul sent his nephew to the commander, who took the young man’s report seriously enough to swiftly transfer Paul to a higher court in Caesarea (v16-22). 470 Roman soldiers, horsemen and spearmen were ordered to escort Paul safely to Governor Felix (v23-24).


Paul’s young nephew showed concern for his uncle’s safety, and played his part to report the plot to the commander when asked to do so. I realize that while I may be concerned about something, I tend to overthink and hesitate, thus missing unexpected opportunities to participate in God’s plan, or share His grace with others.

I am amazed at the timing, and favourable response of this commander. God keeps His promises and directs all things for His purpose. I am thus assured that if I am obedient, God will provide the resources to complete the task He has called me to do. 

The nephew’s role in the passage was to inform Paul and the commander of the assassination plot, and we then see God’s provision in the subsequent verses. Likewise, whether my role is big or small, I can humbly do my part, and trust the result to God. 


  1. I will heed the prompting of the Holy Spirit, and open my heart and mind to respond in faith, especially in areas that I find daunting.
  2. I continue to give thanks for daily blessings and God’s provision for me.
  3. Whatever my role, I will do my best, and leave the outcome to God, for I know that His plan and timing are perfect for my situation.


Heavenly Father, thank You for being my Salvation. You light my path with daily mercies, yet I often ignore Your promptings. Please forgive me. Wherever You place me, may I trust You wholeheartedly and boldly show the grace of Jesus to others. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

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