3 September 2024 – Honest Prayers

BRD 2024 Daily Reflection | Tuesday, 3rd September 2024


Job 6 & 7 and Psalm 119:81-88 (NIV)

Honest Prayers


Job 6 & 7 and Psalm 119:81-88 (NIV)

(Roger Chan, Chairperson, Small Group Ministry)


Job 6 & 7 and Psalm 119:81-88 (NIV)

The thing that struck me most was how raw and real these passages are. Both Job and the psalmist are going through difficult times, and they’re not afraid to let God know exactly how they feel.


In Job 6-7, Job was really struggling. He was facing more than I can ever imagine—he felt alone, and misunderstood.  He just couldn’t get a break. But what  stood out to me is how honest Job was with God. He was not pretending that everything was okay; he was laying it all out there, pain and all. Then in Psalm 119:81-88, the psalmist was also dealing with some heavy emotions. They were waiting on God, feeling worn out, but still trying to hold on to hope. There is something comforting about seeing someone else wrestle with waiting and uncertainty, just like I am right now.


Reading these passages reminded me that it’s okay to bring my own struggles to God, even if they’re not as intense as what Job or the psalmist went through. Right now, I’m feeling anxious about my son’s school placement. It’s been a frustrating process, and it’s starting to feel like God isn’t hearing my prayers. But these scriptures show me that God cares about all my struggles, big or small, and that it’s okay to be honest with Him about how I’m feeling.


Just like Job and the psalmist, I will have an honest conversation with God, not sugarcoat anything, and be real with Him. As I do this, I will lean on the wisdom of Proverbs 3:5-6 and God’s promise in Jeremiah 29:11, trusting that even when I don’t understand, God’s plans for my family are good.  I’ll also take time to reflect on God’s past faithfulness, remembering how He has brought me through previous seasons of stress and worry. It’s a powerful reminder that God has been with me before, and He is with  me now, too. Whether in moments of clarity or in seasons of doubt, I will hold on to the truth that God welcomes my honesty and meets me with love.  He will guide me  with His wisdom and grace.


Gracious God, remind us that we can come to You just as we are, with all our struggles and fears. Help us to be honest with You, trusting that You hear us and hold us in Your love. Whether our challenges are big or small, may our prayers, however simple or raw, draw us closer to You. Let us find strength in Your love and peace in Your guidance. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

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