3 June 2023 – Milestones In Our Faith Journey

Input BRD 2023 Daily Reflection | Saturday, 3rd June 2023


Numbers 15 and Psalm 104 (NIV)

– Milestones In Our Faith Journey


Numbers 15 and Psalm 104 (NIV)

(Chan Chuu Ling, Zone 2 Core Team)


Psalm 104 and Numbers 15: 37-41 (NIV)


Psalm 104 is a psalm praising God for who He is and what He has done. It speaks of His majesty, how He is the creator who is in control of all things – the wind, the ocean, the mountains, the sun,  the moon and all living things. He is the provider who gives good things. All things have been made in His wisdom and He is worthy of all praise. 

In Number 15:37-41, God speaks to Moses about tassels on the corners of the people’s garments as a reminder to obey God’s commands.


God is an awesome God. Picturing all that is written in the psalm renews the sense of wonder and awe I feel toward God. All my concerns and problems fade in comparison because of who He is. God is clothed in light and heaven is like His tent (Ps 104:2). The clouds are His chariot, and He rides and commands the winds (Ps 104:3-4). He made the sun and moon (Ps 104:19). The Leviathan (a giant sea monster) is like His pet! (P 104:26). Knowing who God is, how amazing, wise and powerful, urges me to praise Him because He is worthy.  

The psalmist also reminds me that God is in control of all things: waters flee at God’s rebuke and He assigns them the place to go (Ps 104:7-8); He provides for the beasts of the field, the birds, the trees and the people – they are well satisfied (Ps 104:10-18, 27-28). God is sovereign over all things and He wants to provide me with good things. God made me and loves me, I can trust in His goodness. 

But I tend to get distracted and at times forget that. In God’s wisdom, He knows that too. He told the Israelites to wear tassels with a blue cord on their garments as a reminder (Num 15:38-39). I too need such constant reminders, a physical item is a good idea. 


There are 2 things I do to remind myself of God’s presence and His faithfulness, what He has done for me. 

  1. I will use physical items like the devotion book on my work desk, a verse in my wallet/on my phone background, and a sticker of the cross on my laptop. With these as reminders of His presence throughout the day,  to guard my actions,  I can reflect God’s glory to those around me. I will change these items regularly so they continue to grab my attention and will not be overlooked over time. 
  2. I journal regularly about my walk with God to remind myself, especially when He speaks to me, when He answers prayers and when I am blessed with good things. These are milestones of faith (regardless of how big or small). When I re-read my entries and recall these milestones, particularly during difficult times, I am reassured of His constant hand upon me. 


Father God I thank You and praise You for who You are. You are the Almighty God, powerful and wise, creator of all things; yet You love me, You care for me and will provide for my every need. Forgive me for times when I get overwhelmed by troubles and worries, and forget who You are. I pray for Your gentle voice to remind me and draw me back to You again. I give thanks for all You have blessed me with and pray that You will help me to be faithful just as You are faithful. I ask this in Jesus’ name, Amen. 

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