29 March 2022 – Profound Grace

BRD 2022 Daily Reflection | Tuesday, 29th March 2022


Matthew 20 (NIV)

Profound Grace

LENT 2022 | DAY 24

Matthew 20 (NIV)

(Patricia Koh, Assistant Pastoral Care Zone 11 Leader, Small Group Ministry)


Matthew 20, focusing on verses 1-16


The disciples were already puzzled when Jesus told them that “it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God’’ (Matt 19:14). Before the disciples could fully figure out the meaning of this teaching, Jesus went on to tell them this parable of the workers in the vineyard. This time it concerns God’s kingdom grace, grace that is just as hard for us modern day believers to comprehend.

In this parable, the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner. From dawn to dusk, this landowner hired four batches of labourers to work in his vineyard. At the end of the day, all workers were paid the same wage of one denarius. Naturally, this resulted in the early workers raising a complaint against the landowner. They laboured all day under the scorching sun, surely, they deserved and are entitled to more pay than those who were hired much later. After all, “fair’s fair, isn’t it? The more you give, the more you receive. First come, first serve.”


The word ‘grace’ comes from the Greek New Testament word ‘charis’. It refers to God’s unmerited favour toward us. God shows us kindness that we do not deserve. We can never do anything to earn it because it is His gift. Hence, ‘The last shall be first’ statement (v16) gives a hint to the essence of God’s kingdom grace – that He rewards and blesses man according to His will and pleasure, and not necessarily according to what men think they rightfully deserve. 

What does it mean to be living under God’s grace? For one, it means I do not keep running to God complaining “Don’t I deserve better than this?”. If I do, I risk God asking me in return “Does this mean that you want Me to give you what you actually deserve?”. Being mindful that as a sinner prone to always falling short of God’s perfect standards, I actually deserve discipline, punishment, death/ eternal damnation. The truth is I am never in a position to feel that I am entitled to or deserve ‘more, better or best’.


From time to time, I find myself complaining inwardly – either groaning, grumbling or moaning when I think I have not received adequate acknowledgement or rewards due to me for my time, hard work, giving or sacrifices made. 

What I should do instead is to recognise and embrace more and more God’s amazing grace and His Kingdom values by reducing my natural tendencies to compare and complain and to recognise and accept God’s incredible grace in the most unexpected circumstances, including situations in which this world, myself included, would reckon one to be a doormat.


Dear Lord, I thank You for being a God of such profound grace, pouring out Your unceasing love and grace daily.  Help deepen my comprehension of Your kingdom grace. Enable me to grow and cultivate a heart of gratitude, staying thankful in all circumstances. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

(Reference: https://enduringword.com/bible-commentary/matthew-20/)

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