29 April 2024 – Victory & Vengeance Belong To The Lord

BRD 2024 Daily Reflection | Monday, 29th April 2024

Victory & Vengeance Belong To The Lord


2 Samuel 3:6-39; 4:1-12 and Psalm 68:1-18 (NIV)

(Audree Tan, PTM of Prayer Ministry & Pastoral Care)


Psalm 68:1-4 and 2 Samuel 3:28-29 (NIV)


Psalm 68: 1-4                                                                                                                                                                                    

David proclaimed with confidence His God will scatter the enemies. Amazingly, when I understood this, my struggles were fought with a foresight to victory. Uncertainty and fear flew out the window as courage, power and a sound mind rushed right into my heart. I knew I was not alone.

My challenge came when I agreed to a late career change. I exchanged the role of a carefree wife, mum and grandmother to be a caregiver to many who were struggling. Many needed God’s love and healing. At times I felt incapable of ministering to the wide spectrum of struggles in their lives.

As I asked God for a godly skill to serve effectively, the Holy Spirit blessed me more than I could imagine.  My heart began to confidently serve and minister as I scattered enemies of self-doubt, self-criticism, self-judgment and a lack of confidence. Oftentimes, when these enemies return to taunt me, the Psalm continues to be my weapon  of war.  Psalm 68:3 reads, “the righteous shall be glad, they exult before God, and are jubilant with Joy.” I call on God to be my gladness and overflowing joy.  

2 Sam 3:28-29 

Punishment came when disobedience and sin were committed.

Joab schemed and took things into his own hands when he avenged the blood of his brother Asahel. Joab stabbed Abner in the stomach, and he died. Abner had killed Joab’s brother Asahel in the battle at Gibeon.

As Joab did not leave justice to God, the murder backfired (1 Kings 2:31-34) and his family line was cursed. When unjustly accused, I am reminded to pray for my enemies, as wicked schemes are ungodly, and any further retaliation on my part may incur God’s anger. 


  1. Pray and allow God to scatter my enemies.
  2. Stand with God’s army. Let Him bear us up as He is our salvation.
  3. Leave vengeance to the Lord as He will strike the heads of His enemies.


Embrace a Psalm to battle and give thanks at all times.


Father, thank you for timely reminders in scripture to praise you as Lord of all. Guard my heart and help me to abide faithfully in your presence, rejoicing and drawing strength whenever I am in a situation of discomfort or doubt. Thank You  for the many handles provided in the Word, where I can call on You  to scatter the enemies in my life. Strengthen and empower me to walk in faith and righteousness before You. Amen.

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