28 August 2023 – For His Body

BRD 2023 Daily Reflection | Monday, 28th August 2023

– For His Body


1 Corinthians 14:26-40  and  Psalm 145 (NIV)

(Rev Gladwin Lee, Pastor)


1 Corinthians 14:26-40  and  Psalm 145 (NIV)


Just as all of us have different personality types, all of us also have different spiritual temperaments and spiritual gifts. According to author Gary Thomas in his book, Sacred Pathways, God created us all with certain personalities and spiritual temperaments, which make us gravitate towards certain types of practices and prayers. Hence this spiritual temperament describes the way we relate to God and draw near to Him. Spiritual gifts, on the other hand, are different from our spiritual temperaments. Spiritual gifts are God-given abilities empowered by the Holy Spirit for the purpose of ministry. 

Paul intentionally highlighted that regardless of our gifts, they should be used for building up one another in the faith. When we fail to keep this in perspective, musicians and worship leaders will become mere performers. Preachers and teachers can become mere motivational speakers. Leaders can run wildly popular programs and events, yet leave many people discouraged and wounded. 

At the same time, Paul advised that since there will be several of us with the same gifts, we ought to take turns so that each person may have the chance to use his gift. Likewise, this allows the church to be able to experience the gift offered by each person. 


When I first began taking my faith seriously, other than making a point to read the Bible regularly, I also took a special interest in discovering my spiritual gifts and temperament. 

At that point of our church life, Wesley Methodist Church had not started offering the SHAPE course (which introduces us to understand the unique SHAPE God has made us). Hence it took me a little while before I realised that it is in the midst of serving in a community that my gifts are more readily discovered, affirmed and developed. 

Because I had the benefit of serving in the youth ministry in various capacities, I was blessed by a community of friends who encouraged me to commit my time to growing my spiritual gifts. Best of all, it was also through this community that I realised the selfless nature of offering my spiritual gift. On many occasions, I was blessed to see how each gift complemented others. For example, a worship leader’s choice of song of dedication after a sermon could reinforce the personal message that God was speaking to the audience. On another occasion, the choice of games designed and implemented by the Crosstrainers in a YM camp could spur individuals to consider personal practical applications from what had been preached for the past few days in camp. 

Our spiritual gifts are meant to be practised alongside other gifts to build our community. They are never for our own benefit.


Who am I promoting and building today? I will seek to magnify God and care for His people through the use of my gifts by setting aside more time for prayer and conversations with others prior to ministry. 


Abba Father, open my eyes to see the state of my heart as I offer my gifts and talents to serve you and your community. Refine my heart so that our communion may grow rich and deep. Because you deserve the best, empower me to serve you sacrificially, withholding nothing for your glory. In Jesus’ precious name, Amen. 

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