27 September 2024 – “My God Restores Me”

BRD 2024 Daily Reflection | Friday, 27th September 2024


Job 38, 39 and Psalm 132 (NIV)

“My God Restores Me”


Job 38, 39 and Psalm 132 (NIV)

(Lim Swee Kim, Disciple Facilitator)


“I will clothe his enemies with shame, but his head will be adorned with a radiant crown.” – Psalm 132:18 (NIV)


After Job debated at length with his three friends Bildad, Eliphaz and Zophar, about whether his difficult circumstances were justified and also about possible solutions, a young man named Elihu spoke to the four men critically and claimed that the righteous have their share of prosperity no less than the wicked.

Elihu then disappeared at the end of chapter 37, and out of a storm, God appeared before Job at the start of chapter 38. God spoke and questioned Job about the assumptions he had made about his circumstances. “Brace yourself like a man; I will question you, and you shall answer me.” (Job 38:3 (NIV)).

Out of the storm, God spoke to Job without halting in chapters 38 and 39. As I placed myself in Job’s shoes and read through these verses again, I am reminded about how foolish we humans can be despite being intelligent creatures. And similar to Job, we often are unable to reconcile the injustice we sometimes face and often feel victimized.


“Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation? Tell me, if you understand.” (Job 38:4 (NIV)).

We were not formed nor in existence when God created all which we can see. Thus, like Job, there is so much that we do not comprehend or are unaware of. We too do not understand all that goes on around us. 

“I am unworthy – how can I reply to you? I put my hand over my mouth.” (Job 40:4 (NIV)).


God showed Job why he should take responsibility for himself and avoid condemning God to justify himself.  So similar to Job,  I can accept that  my own assumptions may be wrong because of my limited understanding of what goes on around  me.

And just as God honoured Job’s struggles, honesty and prayers, and restored Job because Job trusted God,  I too will trust God for all  my needs especially when faced with difficult and painful circumstances.  Therefore, as God’s people,  I know that our Father will redeem  me when I surrender  myself to Him and trust Him completely.


Dear Lord, forgive me for my arrogance and self-importance. I am only worthy because You are my Saviour, and I ask for Your goodness and guidance as I go through life’s struggles and challenges. Help me overcome these issues with grace and steadfastness, and without faulting You or others for my sufferings. Father Almighty, God in Heaven, I want to be honest and trust You completely with my life and future. Amen.

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