27 May 2022 – Remain Under The Shelter Of The Most High

BRD 2022 Daily Reflection | Friday, 27th May 2022


Acts 7, Psalm 91 (NIV)

Remain Under The Shelter Of The Most High


Acts 7, Psalm 91 (NIV)

(Rebecca Zaccheus, Programme Coordinator, Missions Committee)


Psalm 91 (NIV)


This entire psalm conveys a vivid expression of God’s protection over us that comforts, assures and encourages. It starts with a declaration from the beginning with His protection and where we will find rest, in verse 1: “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.”

In the listing out of descriptions of some extremely dangerous situations that we may face such as the fowler’s snare, deadly pestilence, terror of night, the lion and the cobra, there is the conviction that God will be there to protect and rescue us because we love Him and acknowledge who He is.

How does He protect us? He will cover us with His feathers and we will be under His wings. This imagery is just like what a mother hen would do to protect her chicks from prey or danger. Also, He will command His angels concerning us to guard us in all our ways. While we get to see the punishment of the wicked, He will also bless us with a long life.


His protection is so complete and all encompassing here so much so that I envision us walking around under His invisible wing of protection with His angels surrounding us. There is strength, warmth and comfort in those wings. I often pray Psalm 91 as a prayer of covering when I am out on my evening runs , and I have seen His invisible hand of protection upon me and His angels carrying me and preventing me from bad falls. I also recall some years ago, my brother read this Psalm out aloud before we drove to Kuala Lumpur as we committed our journey into His hands. 


He is my shepherd and will always be watching over me as long as I remain under His wings. I may tend to take His protection for granted sometimes and expect His covering upon me always. There may be days when I step away from His covering and stray and become vulnerable and then encounter an unexpected bad experience. This may hit me not just physically, but emotionally, mentally as well as spiritually. Without His protection, I may for example take something someone said (the arrow that flies by day) with a wrong attitude and unknowingly receive that into my heart and mind. That may ruin my day and I will start to question, only to realise that I have stepped out of His shelter. I must therefore intentionally stay focused on the Lord always and not be distracted and be drawn away. Also, a good reminder to strap on His full armour (Ephesians 6:11-17).


Dear Lord, thank you for guarding me in all my ways. Forgive me for taking you for granted and help me to be wary of any distractions that may draw me away from you. Keep me safe and protected in your warm embrace always for you are my refuge and my fortress. Thank you for your faithfulness, for I know when I call upon your name, you will answer me. All glory and honour to your name. Amen.

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