27 February 2023 – The Fulfillment Of The Law

BRD 2023 Daily Reflection | Monday, 27th February 2023


Matthew 5:17-20 (NIV)

The Fulfillment Of The Law

LENT 2023 | DAY 5

Matthew 5:17-20 (NIV)

(Chan Wai Lup, Chairperson, Discipleship and Nurture)


Matthew 5:17-20 (NIV)


The Torah (the Law) and the words of the Old Testament prophets were very important to the Israelites. The Pharisees and teachers of the Law went to great lengths to make sure the people were compliant in their everyday activities. When Jesus preached on the kingdom of heaven, He did not come to introduce a new religion to replace the Law. Jesus came to explain and show the people how keeping God’s Law actually looks like, by demonstrating it in His life.

Even as a young Christian, I discovered that my main spiritual gift is in teaching the Word of God. Apart from a love to study the Bible beyond mere devotional reading, I realised that God has given me understanding and insight into how His Word can be applied to the Christian life. Through opportunities given to me over the years to serve in various church ministries, I have helped fellow Christians understand how the Word of God is applicable to their discipleship journey at various seasons of their lives.

As I was reflecting on today’s Scriptural passage, I am reminded that despite all my insights into the Word of God and gift of teaching in the church community, I am also at risk of being a Pharisee or teacher of the Law that Jesus had often condemned because He is more interested in how I live my life according to His Word than how I teach the Bible. Jesus had set the example for me in how He had been obedient to His Father. Over the years, I had many opportunities to be obedient to God through the decisions I had to make in my career, my marriage, in parenting and where to serve God. Did the choices I’ve made “fulfilled God’s Law”? There were also significant circumstances in my life like financial challenges, the death of my daughter, cancer journey for both me and my wife. How have I responded in those circumstances that demonstrate to others how keeping or “fulfilling God’s Law” looks like?

I pray that God will be merciful to me and help me through His Spirit. I do not want to end up like the Pharisees. I need to exercise daily examen on how I have walked with Jesus and if I had been obedient to God’s Word, so that after I have taught others, I myself will not be disqualified (1 Corinthians 9:27), for “we who teach will be judged more strictly” (James 3:1).


1.  How well do you know God’s Word? How much do you find it applicable in your daily life (at home, at work, in school or with friends)?

2.  How often do you spend time examining your day’s activities, the decisions you’ve made, your responses to circumstances, and how God’s Spirit has been present to guide you?

3.  How have your obedience to God’s Word demonstrated to people around you what it means to know, worship and serve a living God?

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