27 December 2022 – A Hope In Christ That Leads To Righteous Living

BRD 2022 Daily Reflection | Tuesday, 27th December 2022


Revelation 19:1-10 and Psalm 146 (NIV)

A Hope In Christ That Leads To Righteous Living


Revelation 19:1-10 and Psalm 146 (NIV)

(Gerhardine Foo, Pastoral Team Member, Small Group Ministry)


Revelation 19:1-10 and Psalm 146 (NIV)


In this Revelation passage, we see how the fate of Babylon, known as ‘the great prostitute’ here (19:1-2) is contrasted against the Bride of the Lamb (19:6-9). Babylon is subjected to eternal fire and punishment (v3) for corrupting the earth and persecuting God’s people. Whereas the Bride, who is the church of Christ, can look forward to her long-awaited union with Christ which she has been preparing for. It is noted that those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb and his Bride are deemed blessed (v9).

For both of the contrasting events, the heavens rejoice with praises (v1, v6) as both these events are the fulfilment of God’s perfect plans. Only God alone deserves to be given praise and glory for them. (v1, 7, 10)


Babylon is used here as a symbol for Rome, who was the world power at the point that this letter was written. Babylon can also be a symbol for any nation in any day and age whose morals and policies pervert God’s desire for humankind, they will all meet a similar end of eternal suffering.

The wedding supper is an oft-used imagery for the era of the second coming of Christ. God promises a grand banquet where there will be no more death and suffering (Isa 25:6-8). I do not know about you, but I would like to be invited to the marriage supper and to be part of the bride of Christ when He comes!

One clue as to how to do that is seen in verse 8 in how the bride of Christ prepares herself to be united with Christ, ‘Fine linen, bright and clean, was given her to wear’ (Fine linen stands for the righteous acts of God’s holy people). The Church prepares herself to meet with Christ by the righteous acts of her people! This means that as people of God, we are called to prepare for the second coming of Christ by our righteousness!

Even Psalm 146:8 reminds us that God loves the righteous. The righteous are “those who have a right relationship with God and whose relationships with other people are governed by God’s expectations for human community.” (Creach, 2008)

As God’s people living in this fallen world, we are often torn between the temptation and the pressure to conform to the values of the world which are at odds with the righteousness that God calls us to. However, as this passage reminds us, God will ultimately come to judge the world. And we need to be aware of whether our focus in this life is on what the world offers or on what God’s purpose is for us. 


I will prepare myself to be part of the church that is to be the bride of Christ by living a life of righteousness.

To do so I will need to be aware of values of the world that are contrarian to God’s values and be careful not to be drawn into it.

And most of all, I will try to fulfil God’s expectations for me to love Him and others. 


Father God, I thank you for the hope I have in Jesus Christ and the reminder of the reward that awaits those who love him. I am sorry for the ways I have fallen short in not living a righteous life and for being drawn to the values of the world. Help me to live a life that is worthy and pleasing to you. I pray all these in Jesus’ name. Amen.


Jerome Creach, The Destiny of the Righteous in the Psalms (St. Louis: Chalice, 2008), 3. Psalms 150:6

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