26 May 2023 – Set Apart To Serve God Steadfastly

Input BRD 2023 Daily Reflection | Friday, 26th May 2023


Numbers 1, 2 and Psalm 96  (NIV)

Set Apart To Serve God Steadfastly


Numbers 1, 2 and Psalm 96  (NIV)

(Tina Khoo, PTM BMC Class)


Psalm 96 and Numbers 1, 2 (NIV)


  1. Psalm 96 is a call to praise God’s majesty, to recognise His reign, and to rejoice.  I find it very interesting that in Ps 96:11-13 the reason for our rejoicing is because the Lord will come to judge the world in righteousness and truth. It is counter-intuitive that we can rejoice when we are being judged. However, when I meditated further, Ps 96:13b gave me hope because the psalmist says that God will judge the people in His faithfulness.
  2. As I am beginning to read a new book, I read the introduction to the book of Numbers (ESV) which says “The English title “Numbers” comes from the two censuses that are central features of this book. However the Hebrew title, “In the Wilderness,” is more descriptive of the book. Numbers tells how God’s people traveled from Mount Sinai to the border of the Promised Land. But when they refused to take possession of the Land, God made them wander in the wilderness for nearly forty years. Throughout the book, God is seen as a holy God who cannot ignore rebellion or unbelief, but also as the one who faithfully keeps his covenant and patiently provides for the needs of his people. Numbers ends with a new generation preparing for the conquest of Canaan. Traditionally, Jews and Christians recognize Moses as the author, writing during the final year of his life. What struck me in this introduction is the refusal of God’s people to take possession of the Land. 
  3. The appointment of the Levites (Num 1: 50-54). The Levites were not included in the census but they were set apart for the service of the tabernacle and all its furnishings.


  1. I shall not be afraid of God’s judgment because I’m in Christ and His righteousness is imputed to me when I believe and give my life to Jesus. It also gives me hope to continue to follow Christ and live my life in surrender to His will (although I may go through suffering and injustice in this world). I can remain steadfast because in the end, perfect justice will be meted out by God Himself.
  2. There are so many promises of blessings in the Scripture that are mine to receive; sometimes I forget and still live in the spirit of poverty. Whilst I don’t subscribe to the health and wealth gospel, there are fundamental promises that I sometimes forget, for example, I forget His promise that He will be with me always and I get into a frenzy when I face challenges and difficulties. I often busy myself looking for my own solutions instead of being still and letting God be God. It’s all too easy for me to want to take control rather than waiting upon God and letting Him renew my strength or work things out according to His plan. My restlessness and forgetfulness to rest in God is akin to the refusal of God’s people to take possession of the promised Land. 
  3. The Levites were set apart because they are the only tribe that did not participate in the worship of the golden calf. This is a good reminder that as a follower of Christ, in Christ I’m part of the priesthood of all believers. I am also set apart to live for His Kingdom and fulfill the calling that God has for me. 


1. To remain steadfast in God, I will constantly study, meditate and apply God’s word so that His word is not just for me to accumulate knowledge but for the word to be living wisdom that continue to guide me to live and serve Him.

2. To intentionally set aside time to commune with God daily, and observe my weekly sabbath rest.


Almighty and Majestic Father, establish Your reign in my life. Help me to always draw close to You remembering that Jesus is all I need to live my life here on earth according to Your purpose and to bear good fruit for Your Kingdom.  In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

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