26 December 2024 – The Work Of The Holy Spirit

BRD 2024 Daily Reflection | Thursday, 26th December 2024


John 15, 16 and Psalm 68:19-35 (NIV)

The Work Of The Holy Spirit


John 15, 16 and Psalm 68:19-35 (NIV)

(Tony Tng, Steward)


John 16:9-15 (NIV)


In the early days of my Christian journey, reading and studying the scripture had always been a cerebral activity. I would attempt to understand the Bible based on my own understanding. I still remember that often, there were certain words or sentences that just didn’t make sense, were difficult to understand or did not fit with my experiences. I would then dismiss those parts of the Bible as being written for a different culture or context and not relevant for me. Worse, I even dismissed them as unimportant.

How wrong I was. Thank God that He made me realise my foolishness, otherwise, that attitude would have led me to destruction (2 Peter 3:16). As my discipleship journey progressed over the years, I came to understand the need for the Holy Spirit to teach me as I studied the Scripture. Now, when I earnestly seek God, every word or phrase in the Bible becomes clearer. Nothing is unimportant and every word is applicable, useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness (2 Tim 3:16). Even this verse “In the beginning, God created the heavens and earth…” (Gen 1:1) which when read reflects simply that God is the Creator, is so meaningful when the Holy Spirit convicts me to acknowledge God’s power and sovereignty. Without His sovereignty, there would be nothing and I would be nothing.

Indeed, the conviction of the Holy Spirit can bring about the transformation of my understanding of God and His Glory. Moreover, Paul’s teaching that all scripture is God-breathed makes a lot of sense (2 Tim 3:16) TheHoly Spirit can also lead and guide me towards the path of God’s righteousness. Come, follow me, seek the help of the Holy Spirit, the One who is ever ready to do mighty works in our lives for the glory of God.


I am convinced to always seek the help of the Holy Spirit to better understand and know God. It is my conviction that without Him, I can know nothing. Therefore, I will seek the Holy Spirit in my daily walk with God until the day He calls me home.


Heavenly Father, thank You for sending the Holy Spirit to this world, without whom we cannot be convicted to know You more and more. I need the guidance of the Holy Spirit to lead me to Your eternal Kingdom. Come, Holy Spirit, convict and transform my heart to love You more and more. Help me to love those around me as I am loved by You. In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen.

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