25 September 2024 – Be A Source Of Comfort

BRD 2024 Daily Reflection | Wednesday, 25th September 2024


Job 34, 35 and Psalm 130 (NIV)

Be A Source Of Comfort


Job 34, 35 and Psalm 130 (NIV)

(Lau Lee Fang, CiC Facilitator)


In Job 34-35, Elihu continued lecturing the man that God repeatedly called “blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil” (Job 1:8, 2:3). He offered no comfort or encouragement, and Job remained silent.


Elihu persuaded Job to repent (34:33) and suggested Job be “tested to the utmost” (34:36). Elihu continued to tell Job that God does not answer to empty pleas of the arrogant and wicked (35: 12-13) and claimed Job opened his mouth with empty talk; “without knowledge he multiplies words.” (35:16)

1. Elihu may be well intended, but his prescriptions were misguided.

Without knowledge of God and Satan behind the scene (Job 1 & 2), Elihu simply assumed Job was reaping what he sowed (34:11) which may generally be true but not in this case with Job. Hence, his prescriptions more likely added stress rather than brought comfort to suffering Job.

2. Elihu offered his ‘help’ harshly without compassion, humility nor respect.

This ‘help’ arose from Elihu’s anger (Job 32:2,3,5) and I wonder if he was helping to meet his own needs; to state his piece and/or feel important. Elihu’s self promotion was very evident. He spoke for six chapters, even longer than God and talked a lot about himself. I don’t see compassion and thought it was harsh of him to suggest Job be tested to the utmost knowing Job had lost everything.

Elihu seemed to be knowledgeable and some of his words were poetic and descriptions of God lofty and beautiful, but they didn’t bring comfort toJob as they didn’t apply to him. Instead, Psalm 130:1-2’s cry for God’s mercy would have been more apt for Job.


Jumping to conclusions and rushing to give advice may bring more discomfort than comfort to someone going through a trying time.

Being with and listening with compassion, empathy and respect can be more helpful than intelligent words.


I will be mindful to be humble, empathetic and listen without fixing when journeying with someone through a difficult time.


Merciful and loving Father God, give me grace to be patient and compassionate to bless those in need that You may be pleased. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

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